Who is Frankenstein’s Monster?

Despite his physical grotesqueness, Frankenstein’s monster has the personality and traits of an ordinary human being. He learns, feels compassion, feels physical pain, hunger, thirst and  everything a normal person would feel, yet he gets shunned every time he tries to integrate into society due to his appearance. He starts of with an innocent “newborn” mind when he is first created. He was initially kind and gentle. He even saved a girl from drowning, only to be rewarded with disgust. Eventually he started to see himself the same way everyone else saw him, as a monster. He hates his own reflection, his voice and in time, Victor for giving him life. The only solution for his problems is to convince Victor to create a female companion for him. Victor fails to do this which results in making the Monster angry so he seeks revenge by murdering Victor’s best friend and wife. I think that was a very bad decision on Victors part. If he had put his personal feelings aside and finished the second creation he could have moved on with his life afterwards and forget about them entirely. He should have known that the monster wouldn’t be too happy about him not finishing the creation and would be mad. Shelley seems to be saying that we often judge others mostly on physical appearance which makes us overlook a persons character, and maybe some of the “monsters” in society are just people who have been neglected by that same society.

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2 Responses to Who is Frankenstein’s Monster?

  1. JorgeP says:

    I agree with you on the fact that the creature can feel all these emotions that a human can feel yet isn’t accepted by society because of his own looks. To me this isnt that much different from the real world. when it comes down to it its just like an outcast in our society people don’t really want to associate themselves with that person because they are “different”. Its obviously alot more harsh the way it shown against the creature but its still the same concept.

  2. Allan says:

    I agree with you in which Frankenstein isn’t accepted even though he acts like a normal person. Such as in our society, someone who doesn’t go with trend are typically labeled an outcast. Even someone with black makeup, piercings and clothing could look demonic in the inside but when you usually get to know them, figure out they are very kind.

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