Response 3

Frankenstein is turning out to be one of my favorite books. The plot and direction of the book is making me want to continue reading. What I found interesting was Frankenstein’s monster because of how he experienced the world and how he interacted with it. After he was created, he was left to travel alone which at the time had no knowledge of how the world worked. Victor Frankenstein was in terror seeing the monster because he was so ugly. The creature was like a newly born human, he was going to experience everything for the first time. In his adventures he realized the world is not such a great place. He received mostly hate and fear from society because they treated him so badly due to the fact that he was different.

This also helps describe how society in a real world is. People who do things that are not part of the social norm are considered outcast and are usually rejected from society because they are not doing what everyone else is doing. The creature wanted to learn how to be part of the society but it was difficult because he was different. Also the creature having no parental guidance made it hard for him to know what was right or wrong. He was born good but since he did not have Victor Frankenstein and was rejected from society he ended up doing evil. The creature’s story showed his development and what ended up being the cause of his evil doings. I enjoyed the monsters perspective in the book.

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