Dear. Future students who will take this class next semester.

Hello, I’m Hakyung Kim. I am an international student and majoring in Business and Technology of Fashion. I took this ENG1121 class online in the Fall of 2020, and I am writing this letter to be of little help to students who are planning to take this class next semester.

First of all, the most impressive work for me was Unit 2: Annotated Bibliography. This task was to follow up with the Unit 1: Discourse Community task, which was to find the problems that occurred in the discourse community that I set out in Unit1 and investigate the solutions to create an annotated Bibliography. It was my first Annotated Bibliography, but I was able to figure out what I had to do through small assignments every week. The important thing in this task was to find the right resource for the subject that I have chosen. I learned how to search for data through the online database and raised the ability to select suitable resources. I got to know about the point of the text that the writer wanted to say. Finding data was very interesting for me, and this work was practical help when I later did research papers for other classes.

It was not easy to be an online class student. I stayed in a different country with a time difference. I tried to do not to forget the deadline for all of the assignments. Time management always significant to not only the in-person class student but also the online class students. Another challenge was there is no chance to communicate with other classmates and the professor at the same time. Of course, I could reply to other classmates’ assignments or communicate on the discussion page, but it was very sad that everyone was not in the same space. Therefore, the advice I can give to you is that even if you are online class, do not miss the deadline of the assignment, and make the most of the given platform to communicate with everyone.

Finally, I didn’t mention everything I learned, but all of the tasks I experienced in this class are very useful for any genre of writing include assignments. Whether you are writing a letter to someone, a research paper, or persuading someone, all the works this class offers will make you a better writer. By the end of the course, you will find yourself feel confident. I hope this letter from me will be helpful for you to take this class.

Thank you.