Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

“Micro-Activity #17: Choosing a Discourse Community”

The discourse community I believe will benefit the most from my research are parents and soon to be parents. It also extends to people raising a child because they are the ones with the biggest potential to recognize and minimize childhood trauma. I don’t believe most parents know about the correlation of childhood trauma and addiction and I would assume most people raising a child believe that addiction is mainly genetic and the environment is just a small factor into the mix. They might have concerns about what is childhood trauma, what kind of behavior can cause a trauma and what signs a traumatized child might display to people around them. By knowing this information, parents can be proactive and avoid situations which could cause a child to be traumatized or recognize that a child has been traumatized.This would allow for a better chance in finding professional help to treat the child and maintain a follow up in order to raise healthier adults. I am not sure yet of the best style to reach my community but a tract might be a good style.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    For genre you might think of a magazine article in a parenting magazine or a blog post or online magazine article. You could also imagine a pamphlet or brochure that would be available in a pediatrician’s office.

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