Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity # 10

Brainstorm ideas

  • Climate change: The past decade has been theĀ warmestĀ in recorded history. The increased temperature has caused deadly wildfires including those affecting Australia, hurricanes, extreme weather events, and climate-influenced migration.
  • Inequality: Inequality is at the heart of many of the gravest issues facing the world. We should all be treated equally and given the rights we deserve.
  • Food Security: The number of hungry people in the world has increased over the last few years. One in nine people in the world go hungry each day and suffer from nutritional deficiencies as a result.
  • Habitat And Biodiversity Loss: Extinctions are happening at what scientists estimate to be about 1,000 times the normal pace. Not only are we losing vegetation, but we are also damaging our ecosystems, and messing up the balance.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    This is a start but you will need to narrow down even before you start to develop questions. For example, what questions do you have about habitat and biodiversity loss?

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