Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity # 7: Pick a Model & Organize Your Ideas

Both Douglass’s speech and Wollstonecraft’s letter helped me decide which style I want to use for my writing. Throughout the pieces their strategies were organized and understandable. I was able to know who the audience was and the goal for their discourse community. In my opinion this will guide me to making my argument because I learned new strategies as to how I could present my argument, grab my audience’s attention, convince them why my discourse community issue matters and how it could be solved. The speech is a better model for me because I can be clear with my message and you can hear the tone I’m using. The purpose of a speech is to inform, persuade, inspire, amuse, please, or to entertain the audience as Douglass did. A few key elements of writing a speech is having statistics/facts to persuade the audience, structure, a message, evidence to support my argument, using transitions, keep it short and starting off with something that will grab their attention. Throughout the speech I will be addressing other people’s points and be repetitive. In my speech I will talk about my issues and let my audience know what’s going on. I will support my issue with personal information and other facts. I will try to persuade them to focus on my issue and solve the problems. I will give a few solutions hoping there will be change and end strong. The purpose of my speech is to get the response I want at the end.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Daniella-You seem to have a sense of what you will include in your speech. My only concern is that your explanation is very general which makes me wonder if you have a good sense of the actual strategies, statistics, personal stories you will use in your speech and how. You also need to be sure of your specific audience as this will determine how you present your information and even which information you present.

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