Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #18: Choosing a Mode

The genre I will be selecting for presenting my information is digital multimodal text, preferably, a vlogging video. I feel as though this genre will people the viewers understand the crisis and the overwhelming feeling of having the burden of student debt. I hope to accomplish inform the viewers in an informal way. Vlogging is a popular way and people who watch vloggers on Youtube tend to enjoy and engage in the content a lot more. As a person who always watches a lot of videos on Youtube, I tend to subscribe to vloggers with who I feel a personal connection. In that case, I get more interested in what content they create as well.

Elements and features of this genre are gestural like body movements, and facial expressions, and audio like sound effects and background music. A good length of a video for my information is 10 minutes. With advanced technology, especially with distance learning and working from home, people are always on the phone or using other devices to communicate and entertain themselves. So nowadays people’s attention span is shorter, therefore a longer video can be considered less interesting. The genre can be organized by a brief greeting, followed by why was the student loan an option.

I’m not sure yet how will I go about composing my piece

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Shannon–can you don’t have a link with an example here. But think about whether or not you can put together a video. Also, you probably want to think about more elements of the genre than what is here.

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