In my previous post i spoke about mental health childhood traumas and how it can effect individuals in different ways . There are also a lot of different communities that can benefit from the research I did. for example the people who are currently struggling with mental issues. That have suffered from a childhood trauma but don’t know how to address there problem, or don’t know why they act the way they do or feel the way they do. I would assume that if you are looking for help then you do know some information about your condition. If your acknowledging you have a problem and need help you already know more about your mental health then most other people. Now if you don’t know what your dealing with and don’t know where to turn then you wouldn’t know much . The expectations or concerns of the people I am targeting with this annotated bibliography are how may they find help. They might also ask what others might think of them .The most important thing I want people from this community to realize is what they can benefit from this. If these are behaviors they are experiencing then they can identify them and get the help they need. Lastly the best way way to reach the community is by teaching them about it in schools and the worker place. The reason why is mostly people under 50 experience a lot of mental issues so where would they spend most of there time. The two places would be work and school that’s where they spend most of there time.
I like the idea that you would best reach people through the work place or school. I might pick one of those because the genre that appeals to the younger school age student might not be the same as a working adult. And even with the kids you might pick an age group you want to reach. Imagine teaching about mental health issues to middle schoolers with a comic books style booklet. Not that this is what you have to do–but its an example.
I actually like this idea but im going to modify it a little