Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

“Micro-Activity #12: Researching”

Gender inequality is a topic that I am always thinking about, it affects the society and the country’s overall performance. Women and men axiomatically should have same opportunities and rights in all fields of life. Gender inequality in workplace should not really exist, doing the same amount of work and then getting less money or not getting promoted is not acceptable. That will eventually affect women’s performance and creativity at work as a result of not appreciating their effort. I got interested in my questions as a result of thinking about the problem itself with all its sides. I want to know what are the reasons causing it and how should we face and prevent them. Answers I expect are finding what companies and government are already doing and what can they do more. I expect finding information about the effect of that issue on women life and mental health, and how that affect the society overall including men. Presenting two different opinions is more helpful that make the audience see all the sides of the problem and how the people in the society see the problem in a different way. So if I find information that does not fit my assumption I will keep it, it can help more to solve the problem.


How does gender equality affect women in the work place and how can this be prevented?

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    This is great–a good clear question and reason for being interested in it. This post can serve as a first draft of the introductory section of your annotated bibliography. The only thing I would point out is that you say you think you’ll find information about the effects on women’s life and mental health but your question is about the effect in the work place and preventing inequality in the work place. You either have to change the focus of your question or be sure you find information that is exactly about the focus of your question.

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