Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

“Micro-Activity #12: Researching”

   Child abuse on child development is a very interesting topic for me for many reasons. First and foremost, it is interesting because I have a little daughter as well. I am always eager to learn about her development and the stages she goes through throughout her childhood. I want to learn about how it affects her the way I interact with her.  Furthermore, I have observed many child abuses by parents, especially back in my country. I want to research how abuse and neglect affects the child’s development emotionally, psychologically and also physically. I want to know what is considered abuse, and how it could be prevented. During my research, I expect to find many negative effect on child because of child abuse or neglect by the caregiver. I am expecting to find emotionally broken children who grew up to be unable to form healthy relationships. Throughout my research, I may encounter information that goes against my  hypothesis but is okay if I do find that information. I don’t think I would find a credit source that would state that child abuse does not have any future effect on children or their development. However, if I do find that information then I would include in my research and then counter argue why the source is wrong. I truly believe that child abuse is wrong. Seeing my little girl makes me more emotional and makes me wonder how adults could abuse such little precious babies who are not capable of protecting themselves. Babies and kids have to be protected by parents, not abused or neglected. I wanted to know more about what actually goes through the children’s minds when they are being abused whether it is verbally or physically. I want to read credible research that gives in depth information of how unhealthy the environment children live in can affect what kind of adults they would become. 

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  1. Ruth Garcia

    Excellent. This will serve as a a first free write for the introductory section of your annotated bibliography. My one question is, what exactly is the finalized question. You’ll need to write it out as an exact question for your annotated bibliography.

    • Shahnoza

      my finalized question is ; How does child abuse affect child development?

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