Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #12: Researching

My thesis question will be:

How can countries work to prevent a long term economic depression from the effects of Covid-19?

Well, to come up with the question I took the advice you gave me for my feedback . I like the question because it can be used to gather a lot of information and its not restricted to just one problem .  With this question I can speak about different countries economies and how they are handling the Covid  economic crisis and what is being done to improve it. The topic caught my interest because a lot of businesses around my area are closing down and a lot  of people I know have lost their job during this pandemic. I also have family abroad and I was curious to know if their economy is also suffering from the pandemic.  I believe that the answer I will find is that the global economy will  endure difficult times for a couple years before it can  fully recover to the pre-covid Economy  . I will likely find  a lot of information on economic losses in the United States and other Countries. I will find information on how some economic sectors are doing well during this economic crisis and how some are not.I will find information with advice on how to rebuild the economy. There will also be information on how  the Covid vaccine can help recover the economy.  If I find something that will not fit my hypothesis I will also include it in my paper because I want to make sure I can get as much factual information as possible even if it contradicts my hypothesis.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Yes! to your last statement. That is exactly right–you want to consider all the information.
    My only concern is that your topic might actually give you too much information. Begin you search and see what it gives you. But you might want to focus on the “global economy” –a term you use and which will nee to be addressed differently that different national economics. Alternatively, you may want to focus on one nation’s economy .
    I think that you will probably be looking for the different ideas various experts have on how to prevent a full on depression.
    Finally, the writing you have here should serve as a starting point–you can draw from it–for the introductory section of your annotated bibliography.

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