Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #11: Developing Research Questions

Aging homeless is the topic I have decided to use for the annotated bibliography. The aging homeless rate has been increased in New York City in recent years, especially the years from 2014 to 2017. the rate might rise higher in 2030. Those people have low incomes, but the rent keeps rising. They could not afford it, so many of them become homeless. Another challenge for them is medical expenses. Many of them have health conditions due to poverty. Those people are mostly born in post-WWII between 1955 and 1965. They suggested providing intervention for those aging people, which could help them a lot. Likewise, stakeholders like healthcare and city government workers could also help them to improve their health and housing problems.

I learned older people who become homeless have different reasons. They also change my perspective of view to make me understand more of their difficulties, which means they do not want to be homeless. I also learned there are many poverties in New York City. This causes them to have poor health and lead them to chronic disease. I also learned the majority of aging homeless is from post-WWII baby boomers who were born between 1955 and 1964. I am surprised that they have a huge effect on this today because they do not receive enough education back then. They only worked as labor to make money, so it is difficult for them to live their life now.

  1. How come they do not seek their family for help, or their family help them?
  2. How does the aging homeless affect us?
  3. What are the challenges of aging homelessness face?
  4. What happened if the aging homeless rate keeps increasing in the future?

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Great topic. I think in terms of your questions, one of these would be the most useful for research:

    What challenges do the aging homeless face? And how can these be alleviated?
    What support can the government put in place to help the aging homeless?
    How do the aging homeless affect out society? –But I’m not sure this last question here will work. If this is the one that interests you the most, then you will have to try and see what happens.

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