Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #7: Pick a Model & Organize Your Ideas

The model I decided to use for my essay is the letter. It seems like the best model to assist me with my argument. I believe the letter will allow me to express my concerns in a more detailed and informative manner. To be successful I will need to present the issue to my  audience and then explain how many people are being affected by it. I will support my arguments with facts and also my personal experience dealing with this problem. I will try to persuade people in positions with the power and means to make a positive decision in regards to the problem. I will compare a similar moment in the past where a positive decision was made in favor of those in need. And I will also warn my audience of the consequences of inaction in relation to the issue I am presenting. I will then be able to suggest a solution. My audience will be members of Congress which I believe will not see me as an expert on the subject. It is crucial to introduce and clearly articulate to my audience the problems the restaurant industry is facing and will continue to face with the spread of COVID19. The restaurant and hospitality service industry is the 4th largest sector in the United States employing over 13 million people. The industry is in danger of collapsing if an agreement on a bailout or financial assistance plan is not decided on the federal level. In addition, without federal help the problem will only get worse forcing many restaurants to close the doors furthering enlarging the unemployment rates across the nation. The moment to act is now and the future of many American families are depending on the choices made today. 

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Guilherme–I have nothing to really suggest. you have a good idea of all the element you will need to include in your letter. I especially like the idea that you even plan to include a historical example and connect it your focus to show similarities and persuade your audience to act. I look forward to reading the letter.

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