Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - O427 | Spring 2021

Responding to Douglass

Fredrick Douglas which was a freed slave was able to give a speech at an event celebrating the Declaration Of Independence. In his speech Douglas talks about slavery and about the Douglas discusses are the dehumanizations of these slaves and the injustices they had to go through on a daily. He also discussed that the slaves demand their freedom. He discussed the cruel things that were going on and all of the violenceā€™s that slaves had to partake, he made his point clear. Douglas wanted Lincolnā€™sĀ Ā support so he worked very hard to portray to Lincoln what was happening to he can have him on his side. In his speech Douglas stated ā€œThisĀ Fourth of JulyĀ is yours, not mine, You may rejoice, I must mourn.”. Here Douglas was stating that he can never rejoice on a day like the Fourth of July because his people still donā€™t have their independence, his people are still mourning and they are still facing injustices, so he believes there isnā€™t really independence. Furthermore, he says a very powerful saying and it is ā€œWhat, to the AmericanĀ slave, is yourĀ Fourth of July? ā€œI answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim.ā€ Douglas explains that while Americans celebrate and rejoice the 4thĀ of July, the ret of the slaves are reminded of what they donā€™t have and they are reminded of how low in society they are, basically what they cannot have. This is very important and this basically summarizes the purpose of Douglasā€™s speech, the equality he trying to achieve for his people.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Your two quotes are also important because in the first he is clearly labeling the holiday as “yours” showing there is a clear division and in the second he is describing the experiences of those that they refuse to see.

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