Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - O427 | Spring 2021

Discussion: Unit 1 Topics

Name your discourse community and write out, in a sentence or two, the issue you are using for Unit 1.


  1. Marcus Marston

    My discourse Community is being a City Tech student. The issue I want to do is students at City Tech have a low graduation rate.

    • Ruth Garcia

      So students at City Tech have a hard time completing their degrees. Why? What are the problems City Tech students encounter that make this the case? Can you say? Email me with this and we can discuss a bit.

    • Marcus Marston

      discourse Community:
      City Tech students

      persuade the administration students should have a good amount of finical aid to help them through college

  2. Jenny Lu

    My discourse community is a CityTech student in an undeclared major. The issue that I will be using is that I disagree with how the structure of the college function/operate for undeclared student compared to actually majoring in something and I plan to include other issue that stems from it.

    • Ruth Garcia

      We discussed after school and I think you’re good to get started. You are saying something like–being an undeclared student is a problem and here is why. Your audience could even be students considering entering City Tech as undeclared majors to persuade them not to do it by showing them why and how it is a problem.

  3. Victor Chulco

    Immigration and how it is being a very big problem as it is being addressed as President Biden is trying to let them migrate through the borders of the US but has a lot dismantle and undo what Trump has set into motion. Although it has all turned chaotic as many people are trying to migrate here which many people view it as a problem due to many Americans having a lack of jobs and also a risk as the pandemic is still on the rise.

  4. Victoria Powell

    My discourse community will be Pentecostal Christianity. The issue that I will be including would be my strong disagreement with their use of bible verses to condemn and judge other people and their lives.

    • Ruth Garcia

      This sounds great. I look forward to reading it. You’ll want to think about the effects that current use of bible verses to judge people and their lives has on the congregation and even the church overall.

  5. Selena Ortiz

    My discourse community is a female filmmaker in New York. My issue is the lack of female representation in filmmaking. There are rarely ever women in film and it’s because of unequal opportunities.

    • Ruth Garcia

      This sounds interesting. It sounds as if you plan to show the the opportunities for women filmmakers in NY are not the same as for men and to explain why this is a problem for the industry.

  6. Abbigail Cleary

    My discourse community is Georgia tennis players in high school. My issue is the lack of funding provided to the sports team. Compared to other sports seen as “popular” such as football or basketball this sport wasn’t given high in standards.

    • Ruth Garcia

      Sounds good. So you would probably be addressing the school officials to persuade them that this current way of judging sports is a problem and that it needs to be done differently.

  7. Pauline Li

    My discourse community are business owners located in Chinatown, Manhattan. The issue that I want to address is how COVID-19 affected business owners.

    • Ruth Garcia

      Do you think you will show that businesses in Chinatown have been affected differently or more than others? Or show that there is a particular way in which they are affected that others are not? Email me or come to office hours so we can make sure you’re set to go.

  8. Billie Adams

    My Discourse Community is Medical Assistant for Internal Medicine. A challenge that I am faced is communicating with patients by use of the telehealth system during the Covid 19 pandemic.

    • Ruth Garcia

      Yes–and you could be addressing those who make the call to keep you online to help them understand why this is a problematic way of communicating. The fact is that those that aren’t doing it may not understand what is going on, why and how it is a problem, or the way it affects both the medical assistants and the patients.

  9. Vanesa

    My discourse community is my local community and neighborhood. The issue I want to address is how chemical plants should be obliterated because for those who live near chemical plants are exposed to chemical radioactivity and it can cause major accidents such as an explosion that will not only affect the local community but will spread out and affect the city. It’s not safe for the environment and it’s toxic.

    • Ruth Garcia

      We talked after class and I think you’re good to get started. Check in with me if you get stuck as you’re researching.

  10. Account Deleted

    The discourse community that I am apart of would-be home health aide workers in New York City. Over the past summer, I worked part-time for a home health aide agency, and an issue that I had was with the low wages. Due to COVID-19, this career field was in need of workers, so I decided to put my skills and knowledge to the test with this job. However, I realized that my earnings weren’t enough, which made things more frustrating since I was putting my health at risk every day. I enjoy working with patients because I know it takes away some physical and emotional tolls from their families, but I can’t stand by to see workers like myself get less than they deserve.

    • Ruth Garcia

      This is great. This is a profession that is not valued as it should be and this is a problem –this seems to be what you are saying. Those outside the profession–management or even families, may not understand the problem and you will help make it clear for them.

  11. Fady Aziz

    My discourse community is me being a coptic orthodox Christian, me being a Christian I have to act a certain way and I live in a community where most people around near me are Christian. I have to act a certain way because at the end of the day iw outdent want anyone to get a bad look on coptics because of my actions.

    • Ruth Garcia

      This doesn’t exactly work for the assignment–I don’t think. I’m not sure. So being a Coptic Orthodox Christian is a discourse community of yours as is your local church. But what is the problem. How you have to behave doesn’t quite work. Can you come to office hours to discuss? Or make an appointment? Email me and we’ll figure something out.

  12. Tanya

    My discourse community will be about nursing students in nursing programs. And how it is unfair that there is a limited amount of seats allowed which doesn’t all the other students a chance.

    • Ruth Garcia

      All programs have limited seats. So is it the limited seats or how those seats are distributed–the measures used to decide which are perhaps unfair–I don’t know that they’re unfair, you’d have to look it up and decide. Or if not unfair, maybe not (in your opinion), an accurate judge of a student’s ability to be a good nurse.

  13. Andrew Lops

    My discourse community will be about online gamers with the issue being The misperception made by parents of their children who are online gamers being socially isolated.

  14. Ryan Mangal

    My discourse community will be about college students during the current pandemic, as it will be addressed to school presidents and officials. While having to resort to online schooling, students are left dealing with family issues, arising mental health issues, and most importantly academic hardships.

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