Quote 1: ” However, it is unclear whether, in this era of cell-phones, family dispersion, a fluid and uncertain job market for the young, the rise of international trade, and the decline of local crafts and industries, traditional speech communities continue to exist in meaningful numbers.”
I found this quote to be interesting because, in the beginning, it shows how things affected discourse communities and what was affected by these things. In this era, discourse communities are less likely in some areas due to the change in the economy. A lot of places either aren’t as big as they used to be or don’t have the supply. As the paragraph continued to say, the bigger the environment the more that discourse communities are influenced.
Quote 2: ” Many people are occasional members of more than one discourse community. In my own case, I am a member of the institute where I have had an office for the last thirty years, but also I am active in the wider world of English for academic purposes-“
I found this quote to be interesting because I believe that we find ourselves in many different discourse communities without realizing it. For example, I can consider myself in a type of discourse community which would be attending college. This discourse community would be local and focal. This would be focal because attending college is known across many regions, nations, and internationally. It would be somewhat local because all of us here attend the same college and we would understand abbreviations that others will not understand.
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