Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD40 | Spring 2022

Pick a Model & Organize Your Ideas

The type of model I would like to choose is letter because the way I see a letter is more professional and could organize thoughts and emotions in a professional manner. My discourse community will be based on the game FIFA created by the company easports and focused more on the gambling side of the game where anyone can gamble at any age. I want to create this letter to adults for them to realize that kids are having a different mindset coming to this game than others because they are under 18 and have not gotten the concept of currency when wasting on a video game. A letter can set the tone when trying to get something across to many people because it is formal. This game called FIFA has a game store where you can gamble your in-game currency for good rewards or if you do not have enough currency while playing the game you can also purchase the currency they offer as an alternative to buying these loot boxes they consider as packs for you to get your rewards. Countries and states have these set rules on when people at a certain age can start gambling because kids have no control over spending someone else’s money or even their own because they do not know the value of this. This company that has created this game put a twist to it and created it in a way where people get addicted to trying to get good rewards and avoid the fact that they have not thought they are gambling in these loot boxes. Gambling should not be for everyone, it should be restricted when needed because when these people grow up they will have this addiction of gambling their money and it will be a bad thing to be addicted to.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Juan, This is a great topic–it is focused and you have a clear audience (adults) with clear purpose (to show them the dangers to kids in this game that they may not be aware of). You also have details here that show the problem, but it is not clear how you will organize your letter to make the problem and the various dangers you list clear. This is the next thing you need to figure out.

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