Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD40 | Spring 2022

Pick a Model & Organize Your Ideas

I have chosen to write a letter over a speech to target my discourse community because I feel as if it would be a lot more formal and professional, in regards to my topic. My discourse community is the basketball league I play in, called ABL. I believe that a speech could also be a very good alternative to rally everyone together, however I think it would be a better idea to contact the people in charge personally and address all the issues that we are facing in the league. This is because a speech could potentially cause more conflict if the board of directors are not able to fulfill our requests. That is why I believe it would be better to just contact them personally and try to resolve the issue without causing a big scene.

I want to write a letter to the commissioner of the league to collect more funds from players and teams as a whole, to get better referees. The biggest problem with this league is the amount of fights and arguments that occur, as a result of bad foul calls from the referee. This league was created by a muslim community I am apart of and the main goal of this association is to create brotherhood between players. Therefore, if all of us players got together and donated more money to the league, we could invest in better referees, which would cause less issues in-game. My main point is that we all need to come together and not forget the main focus of this league, which is bond and create brotherhood between players. I feel like many players often forget this main objective and take these games way too serious to the point where they are willing to create very big conflicts. This is why I believe I should write a letter to the commissioner of the league and work on fixing these issues by collecting more money from players.



1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Hazeem, This sounds great. You have a clear problem and purpose. I also love that you are saying that the problem is actually countering the very purpose of the organization. What you need now, is to work on thinking about how to describe/show the problem. You need examples the vividly describe/show the problem. You also need to think about how to organize your letter and even how to lead into the problem. I can imagine you starting with a reminder of the mission of the organization or some other kind of complimentary remarks in the style of Douglass’s speech (even though you are writing a letter).

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