Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD18 | Spring 2022

Preliminary Research and Picking a Topic

I have decided to do my opinion essay on healthcare. I will be focusing on the topic “Should healthcare be free for Americans?”. After researching the topic, I have come to realize that there are many pros and cons when it comes on to the issue of free healthcare. For every advantage listed there are disadvantages that counteracts it. Providing free healthcare to Americans will affect taxes, there is a possibility that taxes will be higher. On the other hand, free healthcare will also improve the overall health of Americans. I want to argue that healthcare should indeed be free for Americans because of the many advantages that comes along with this. The biggest advantages being prolonged life and a healthier population.

The questions are

What are the benefits of providing free healthcare for Americans?

How would free healthcare Impact public health?

How would free healthcare impact one’s financial status?

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Tameka, Your topic is big, but I think that if you pick one of your questions then you will be focused enough for an Op-Ed, or nearly there. For example, you could write an Op-Ed about the benefits of free healthcare or you might find that you have to focus in and that you can write an Op-Ed about the one kind of benefit that emerges from providing free healthcare.

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