I chose to use racism as my topic. Racism is a set of ideologies, pre-concepts, stereotypes and prejudices that tend to a behavior that expresses hatred or rejection towards a person or group of people for belonging to a different human group, from the racial point of view. This behavior involves discrimination against individuals who are not part of the predominant racial group. Racism is a way of discriminating against certain people, these are due to their skin color, race, or simply because of their physical appearance. It is a way of denigrating others, showing superiority over others. I chose this topic because I think we should always keep in mind that racism is a type of discrimination and that is something that must disappear, values, respect, and tolerance should be instilled in order to convey that no one should be judged or prejudice for any reason, since a person deserves respect and freedom, as main rights. One of the main problems would be why racism still exists?
These are some of the questions that I have:
– Is there a way to avoid racism?
– What are the factors that lead to being racist?
– What are the types of racism that exist?
Josseline, Right now your topic is too broad, but you can focus in on a sub-topic related to racism. For example what are some of the conversations going on around racism? Can you pick one and use that to get you to your topic. One thing that occurs to me is the ongoing conversation about whether or not we should be teaching things like critical race theory in schools? Or questions about whether or not racism expressed in private (on things like social media) should be held against a person if it comes to the knowledge of their employer? Or something like: should racist movies and shows created in a different time period be cancelled?