Prof. Garcia | ENG1101-HD57 | Fall 2022

Research Question

How does a country get its name? This topic is very interesting to me as I like looking at maps and hearing about a country that I have never heard of about I always do my research on that country, like where it is in the world, what language they speak and even what they eat. I want to learn the history of every country and how they came up with their names. How does a country come up with its national anthem? Have they had another name before their current name? What decisions did they make to name it that name? Were they happy about it? This is curious to me as sometimes I hear about a country’s name, and it sounds so weird of a name that it’s obligatory to look up and see where it is. In history class, you don’t really know what a country’s name comes from but teach what they achieved or went through with war with other countries and also countries that get separated; what caused that? Thinking about country names, I think about the country I live in, The United States of America; I understand where we get the United States, but where did America come from? Thinking of why it’s called Greenland, even though it’s not green, or Iceland, even though the whole country isn’t 100% ice. Some countries like Colombia got their name from Christopher Columbus, and El Salvador got its name from Jesus, which is translated to “The Saviour.” At the end of my research, I expect to know how all 195 countries got their names, national anthems, and even the history of the flag and why it is those colors.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    I’ve never thought about this and you’re right it is an interesting question. I wonder if it is too factual a question as well as too broad. What have you found? Bring some sources to class on Wednesday and we can talk to make sure this is a do-able question. You might also consider doing something about the history of maps or the history of a particular map–for example the map of Virginia. Thomas Jefferson’s father created an early version of this.

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