My research question is “Is there ways where society can help with decreasing pollution ways and how ? ” . Pollution has been a big aspect throughout these past years in the United States , as we continue to grow in society .People and big companies have been harming the earth with smoke,trash,and plastic ending up in the ocean. We recently started enforcing the reuse of fabric bags instead of plastic waste bags . But I believe there are other ways where the government can enforce ways to prevent harm to the ocean,air ,and habitats . One example of helping is taking littering seriously as a way where people can report people who litter and make all companies use recycled packages instead of plastic waste. The government can help organizations build up money for preventing landfills and helping certain parts of the oceans to be cleaned up. All this tax money hasn’t been put into organizations who are helping maintain this earth the way it should be. Pollution has increased as the innovation of technology happened .Pollution is not taken seriously till it affects human life .