During reading these chapters Tituba develops a good relationship with Goodwife Parris’ and Betsey. She doesn’t really get along with Abigail (Parris’ niece) because she constantly demands Information and details about Tituba’s stories of the invisible world and who Tituba comes to believe is a liar. Tituba takes Betsey for various activities including walks to the wharf along with Abigail. One afternoon their was a crowd in the street near the courthouse because there was going to be an execution. Their was an old woman with a rope around her neck because she was going to be hung. Tituba witnessed the hanging. It hurt her because she started screaming and I’m sure it brought her back to her witnessing her mothers death because it did for me. She was in shock because it was a moment she didn’t want to relieve again. When she was screaming she probably seen her mother not the old lady.
Category Archives: Blog Post 5
Krystal Corry – I, Tituba (Chapter 5-9)
Just as we discussed in class with a negative out look on it. I too disliked, no, I hated the fact that Tituba wanted to be with a slave when she was already free and safely living with Mama YaYa. Tituba wanted to experience a ‘real love’ and she felt she could have got that with John Indian. Now that Tituba is with John Indian’s owners, Samuel Parris and his wife, Tituba grows a bond with Samuel’s Parris wife. Tituba sees that she is sick and tries to take care of her. Tituba also takes care of there two little girls, treating both them and the mother with remedies she has learnt from mama Yaya. I found that interesting that although white people treated black people so cruelly, Tituba still seen beyond that and looked for a persons sincerity beyond their skin color. Tituba is indeed courageous for that, and throughout the story we see ways at which Tituba is very open-minded. However in such a racist, demeaning society Titutba is often taking advantage of. Also the way that Samuel Parris treated Tituba and her husband John Indian very cruelly, she was still nice to his wife despite that. It goes to further prove Tituba’s beautiful personality.
I, Tituba chapter 5-9
in comparison Mary’s Master Mr. D and Mr. Parris are weak men who take pleasure in hitting the weak. they both beat their wife and think it was okay to be dominance, Mr. parris even go as far as hitting his own daughter. Tituba, love Betsy and Elizabeth parris because they too have been rob of their childhood.
Parris is a wicked man who used the words of the Bible to his convince. His wife is so tormented by him, one day she asked Tituba ” If she thinks there were a curse in woman.’ Tibuba does not share Elizabeth point of view about life, she love to defend herself like Mary did and she is comfortable in her sexuality. In face whereas, Elizabeth hate sex Tituba embrace sex to the fullest.
It is a sad situation that Tituba found herself in just because of love for her husband John Indian. She is caught up in a life of slavery that she could have avoid. Now, she is home sick and she long for the island of Barbados. To keep her memory alive she is telling the children and Elizabeth the story that she were one told when she was a child. However, big mistake and she realized when conning Abigail asking her question strange questions. After all did Tituba not recognized the evil in Abigail’s eyes from the first day she met her.
I, Tituba – Chapter 5-9
On page 49, Tituba talks about her sufferings and why she must face with all these obstacles such as being turned into a “slave, an orphan, and an outcast,” being isolated from her own kind and being with people that did not believe in the same things as her. She calls it an “unwelcoming land.” I find this upsetting because she lived a happy life before she met John Indian. She left everything just for him. She did not listen to Mama Yaya and her mother as they spoke to her from in invisible world basically saying this will only bring trouble in her life if she goes with him. Most importantly, she left her freedom to become a slave just so she can fulfill her desires she had for John. She may see it as obstacles but I see it as a consequence for her own actions.
Indraine Ramdut
I, Tituba -Chapter 5-9- Vicente
As Tituba transitions with John Indian under their new “master’s” wrath, I still wonder why she would give up her freedom for him. Samuel Paris who was said to be a minister only strengthened my belief that there was a positive correlation between being religious and being brutal.
Religion is normally founded in love and compassion for each other, yet the minister instilled fear not only in his new slaves – Tituba “dared not look in the direction of Samuel Paris”, but also in his wife. The same wife he struck in the manner he did Tituba making them both shed blood.
It’s always ironic to see people who claim to be deeply rooted in religion to ignore the ways of their faith when trying to impose it upon others.
Tituba pg. 5 to 9
I tutuba pg. 5 to 9
While reading this portion of the book I felt like the author was placed in a lot of situations where she was torn with, wanting to do the right thing, but at the same time yearning for the possibilities that would’ve been possible if she wasn’t in the situation she was in. We see this in the scene where she kills her unborn child and how she spike of it haunting her afterwards, even though she had a good reason behind doing it. Also when she constantly feels a bad “energy” from Abigail and the other two girls, but still recognizes the innocence in her as a child. I think this adds to the “witch” aspect of the text because witches are believed to be individuals who possess magical powers and are constantly placed into situations where they have to make difficult decisions; of either doing what is right or doing what needs to be done for the greater good.
Chapter 5-9
During this reading Tituba began to get close with Betsy and Abigail, in which they went to the Wharf to take walks. When coming back from the Wharf one day she saw an old lady being hung from a rope with a large group of people spectating. When she witnessed this it brought her back to when her mother was being hung to her death. I felt like this was a key moment in her life because it wasn’t once but twice witnessing two women being hung in front of her eyes. When reading this in the novel I felt sadness for her going through this event, seeing the lady there reminded her of what her mother went through. Which was a unbearable and overwhelming scene.
what really strike me with this reading is tituba need for helping her mistress even though she treat tituba so bad. tituba feel like if she helps her mistress that she will be more accepted of her and john indian and possibly change her image of being a “witch”, i also fine tituba to be a sex addict she believe that sex is the solution to any situation, i find it to be a symbolization of her wanting to be loved she did not receive love from her mom so the craving for sex is to make her feel wanted by someone, more specifically a man, and compare to mary prince tituba also has genuine kindness in her heart and she feels the need to help others and try to make them feel something she might have felt or never felt before for example how amaze tituba was when she realize that abigeal williams never had a child hold before and deep down inside she feels the need to help her she just feel that abigel just miss the most important times of her life which was her child hood
I, Tituba ch 5-9
The part that I felt really sad for Tituba was when she was walking back from Long Wharf with the kids, she witnesses a terrible sight that were never to be forgotten. It was that a lot of people was watching an execution of an old woman in the same way Abena, Tituba’s mother, was executed. For Tituba it was like reliving her mother’s execution when she was a child. It was not fair because she already endured her mother’s death but when she sees it happen again all her memories from her mother’s execution became alive. Tituba couldn’t do amything but scream really loud because of her powerless rage. I feel sorry for Tituba having to relive her mother’s dead but what I worry about the most is that the old woman got executed because she was a witch and Tituba is also considered a witch so there is a chance that she can be executed too and die in the same way as her mother.