Breath, Eyes, Memory Chapter 20-27

While reading this section of the book when Grandma Ife was talking to Sophie about the testing, Sophie asked her why did she test her daughters. Grandma Ife responded and said it was a mothers job to keep her daughters pure. I believe that the way for them to keep their daughters pure in that way wasn’t necessary. You can keep your daughter pure in mind and in heart by growing her up the right way and instilling some discipline in her from young helps her to grow up to be a good person. So the testing to me was foolish. Sophie being tested by her mother really made the situation bad for her because its now a major part of her life and i think that she would not do it to Bridgette because of the experience she had with her mother.

Breath, Eyes, Memory Chapter 13-19

When reading this section of the book Sophie leaves from her home in New York City and goes back to her home country of Haiti. When arriving to Haiti she meets with her Tante Atie and her best friend Louise, They began to speak and Tante Atie telling Sophie she looks just like how she did before she left for NYC. The part that surprises me while reading this was when Atie explains to Sophie how Louise taught her to read and she even wrote poems. I found this to be interesting because when Sophie wanted her to come to school she didn’t want to go because she taught that kids teaching her to read was pretty absurd but then she gets taught to read by Louise. So it makes me wonder what made her change her mind and take lessons from Louise and not from Sophie when she was younger.

Breath, Eyes, Memory Chapter 9-12

When reading this section of the book Sophie is now eighteen years old and is going to start attending college in Fall. Sophie and her mother Martine moves into a nice small house which is pretty close to Marc’s. When moving Sophie meets her new neighbor Joseph who is about her mothers age. Joseph is a saxophonist who begins to talk to Sophie and takes her to his shows and for dinner. When Martine found out about Joseph she began giving Sophie “Tests”, which was checking to see if Sophie is still a virgin or not. When finding Sophie still together she would not say anything to Sophie. What stood out to me the most in this reading is when Sophie got so frustrated with her mother and took her own virginity. This shows that Sophie having a strict mother put a lot of pressure on her and was probably tired of her mother holding her back from being with Joseph. So taking her own virginity was a way of rebelling against her mother’s authorities to finally get what she wanted which was Joseph.

Breath, Eyes, Memory Chapters 5-8

During this section of reading in Breath, Eyes, Memory, Sophie arrives in New York City to be greeted by her mother Martine. When Sophie first sees Martine she is shocked by her physical appearance She is thin and scrawny looking in person unlike the picture that Tantie Atie has of her in her house back in Haiti. Martine picks up Sophie and they go to her apartment building which is ghetto and run down looking. A part of this reading that stood out to me the most is when Martine told her that the only way she can be someone in this country is if you have an education. She also says that she can have a chance to be a kind of woman that herself and Atie wanted to be. She says this because she did not have the opportunity to do such when she arrived in NYC because of being to old to go to school. So she had to work her entire time here most likely at minimum wage. So that being said she doesn’t want Sophie to go through the hardships she have endured and wants her to become a better person and make it in America.


Breath, Eyes, Memory Chapter 1-4

When beginning to read the book the two characters that were introduced in the story was Sophie and her Tante Atie, During the story Sophie made a letter for her Tante because of it being mothers day but Atie didn’t want to read the letter. The reason she did not want to read the letter was because of her inability to read. What stood out to me during this section of the reading was Atie doesn’t want Sophie to be like her mother and her growing up in the fields all day. She wants Sophie to get an education and be a better person than her. Atie also feels a way about going to Sophie’s school and having her read to her, she believes that kids should learn from the elders and it shouldn’t be the other way around. This stands out to me because it shows a little dominance over Sophie, I guess she does not want to feel belittled by having her niece read to her. It shows dominance over Sophie as a guardian.

I, Tituba Black Witch of Salem Chapter 13 to End

Coming towards the end of the book, Tituba is back in her homeland of Barbados after experiencing the worst 10 years of her life. Embracing the presence of being home at last runs into another man by the name of Iphigene who happened to be ill and Tituba coming to his aid helping to cure him from the sickness. I noticed that all the men that Tituba dealt with in her lifetime caused her some sort of pain and ruination. She loves to have sex and Iphigene happens to be another one that she has sexual relations with and he is much younger than her. All the men put her down in some way and Iphigene happened to be the worst mistake she ever made. He caused her to lose her life by influencing her to join the rebellion that he was planning. All Tituba wanted was to go back to her homeland and live peacefully but like all the other men throughout the story ruined her. What made me upset was she couldn’t just keep to herself and live peacefully she had to go with Iphigene and have him lead her to her death.

Chapters 8-12 of Part II

When reading this section of the novel Tituba was bought by Jewish mister by the name of Benjamin Cohen. After Benjamin lost his wife he was in need of someone to take care of him and his children. Benjamin was in so much pain because of loosing his wife that Tituba asked him to if he wanted to speak to his wife that passed away. This stuck out to me because even though witch craft was considered an evil thing to the people during that time Tituba didn’t really care. She wanted to work her power to help comfort the sadness of Benjamin. I believe that she was open about helping him communicate with the dead because him being a Jew in a Christian society he was also kind of shunned down on. People looked at Jews as different because they didn’t follow the same culture as everyone else that is probably why Tituba was so open about her power to bring back Abigail to speak to Benjamin. I also don’t understand how Tituba says that why does why does any relationship with the slightest affection between man and woman have to end up in bed. But she’s sleeping with Benjamin and is okay with doing such even when she knows that he is still sad because of his wife’s death.

Part II Chapter 10: (2-7)

During this section of reading in the novel I, Tituba Black Witch of Salem Tituba met the woman Hester in Jail when meeting Hester in the prison she talks about feminism. She wants Tituba to be a feminist just like her because she doesn’t like men and wants Tituba to be the same way. A reason to which I can back this up is when she asked Tituba where she got the name Tituba said her father  gave it to her and Hester saying you let a man give you that name. Shows that she had a issue with Tituba being names by a man.The reason i believe Hester has a bad taste for men is because of her being in prison for adultery while the man that got her pregnant is able to walk freely in the streets. She is probably aggravated and annoyed that its alright for the men to do such bad things. But the woman are the ones that have to suffer for it. I personally believe it to be absurd that men are allowed to do some things but not get in trouble for it while women such as Hester has to be in jail for it suffering while being pregnant at that.

Chapter 5-9

During this reading Tituba began to get close with Betsy and Abigail, in which they went to the Wharf to take walks. When coming back from the Wharf one day she saw an old lady being hung from a rope with a large group of people spectating. When she witnessed this it brought her back to when her mother was being hung to her death. I felt like this was a key moment in her life because it wasn’t once but twice witnessing two women being hung in front of her eyes. When reading this in the novel I felt sadness for her going through this event, seeing the lady there reminded her of what her mother went through. Which was a unbearable and overwhelming scene.

Chapter 1-4

While beginning to read the Novel it already started out with Tituba describing how she was born. Her mother being raped on a ship that was on it’s way to Barbados. When arriving and being sold to Mr. Darnell he found out that Abena was pregnant and gave her to Yao. A part of the story that stood out to me was he asked Abena if the child was the masters she said no but still of a white man. He told her that don’ cry from now on the child is his. Which he is showing compassion for Abena. Another part of the reading that bothered me was the slaves was a sexual symbol for the masters. Abena was hanged for retaliating against that master and injuring his shoulder with the cutlass. The slave owners had the power to do whatever they desired with the slaves and nothing couldn’t get in their way of doing it.