Tituba Chapter 5-7 Edelle Ramsay

When Tituba spoke about how she was taken back again to see another woman hung. I felt as if this young lady will always have a hard life. She witness her mother being hung and now to see another. Also Tituba being an outcast people of her own kind is frustrating. She already will have a hard life and time from the masters but to see that people that are just like her giving her a hard time with accepting her is annoying.

Tituba Post 1- Edelle R

The beginning of this book was quite shocking to read about Abena. In a kind of a way I was happy. She went out with her pride. Sad to hear about how she was hung, but it was in a kind of a way a proud moment. I also love how Tituba helped her mother out by following the instruction she was given. When mama Yaya introduced it instantly reminded me of the Jamaican girl poem we read. I am interested to learn more about this Mama Yaya character.

Chapter 8-12

I really cant stand the white people because they hate black people and they hate Jews. Any belief or religion that goes against them is wrong in their eyes. They use the bible as a powerful weapon and their payers. They got things all wrong. John Indian explains how he lives to please the white people. How he puts on a mask and make them think he is abiding by all their rules. John Indian is not to be trusted. I dont think he has a back bone.

Blog post 9

The moments where tituba talks about death and not escaping it stood out to me. In a way it foreshadowed her death in the end of the story. Tituba learning she can not escape death, or “close the door on death” didn’t stop her from searching for a way to do so. In my opinion she was afraid of dying because she was trying to find a way to make Christopher Imortal. Another way she foreshadows her deaths are through her memories or hallucination(when she sees the faces of her past). The night she was condemned to her death she had seen the faces of people who was bad or evil. She in a way couldn’t escape her past and it was all catching up to her. Even the way she was killed she had escaped it once but not the second time. In the end she becomes okay with her death she was going to a better place where she can be with the people she loves

I – Tituba chap 8-12

the most interesting about this part is that not only blacks were miners in America but also the Jews. Which shows that the white man not only was able to despise, to humiliate and even kill a person which did not have the same social and religious ideals. Another thing that is very interesting in this part of the story is that Mary comes again to have a romance. Since when her new owner leaves her free she refuses and she tells him that she does not want to be away from him even if it means that she is a slave.

Chapters 12–> End

When I continued reading the book I was very surprised that Tituba said she was pregnant again. I felt very deeply for her, because at that point I knew things would end up going down hill. Then she met Iphighene, I felt that he played a role of good and bad. He was good because he respected and listened to Tituba. Then when she wounded her foot he came to her rescue. Then I felt he played a bad role because he gave Tituba the idea of having all the slaves revolt agaist their masters. Even one day away from the final assault they both ended up having sex although Tituba mention after she felt really horrible after the whole scene how Iphigene could have been her son. But in the end I think Tituba seen this path coming and she felt that it was the best way to escape the pain and the false lies that everyone was saying about her.

I, Tituba 8-12 of part 2

I, Tituba is save from living all her day incarcenated when Benjamin Cohen came to the prison and rescued her. Her responsibility was to take care of Cohen ten children. When Tituba saw how much he was suffering because of the death of his wife Abigail, she returned to what she knows best communicating with the spirits. soon enought he asked Tituba if his daughter Elizabeth could joint the session, he wanted his daughter to talk with her mother.

What I love in this part of the book is the way Cohen and Tibuta comforted each other and became lovers, despite the vast different race. He treated her like a part of the family and even  discussed his history and business ideas with her. However, where ever Tituba is nothing stayes calm for too long. She is recognized by someone on the street then things turned bad. Tituba is almost stone to death, Cohen house is set on fire and he lost his ten children plus his two boath.

one night Tituba asked Cohen for her freedom and he refused and was angry with Tituba for asking. Only to later confess that he was holding on to her only to communicate with his love ones. He finally decided to give her the freedom she had asked for and bought a ticket for her to returned to Barbados.


I, Tituba. 13-end

It is amazing seeing Tituba returning to her cabin and finding it very much as she had left it. It was worm-eaten, some thermites and more stuff but nothing that can’t be fixed. What surprised me the most was the fact that the slaves welcome her and helped her building her cabin again after their wok at the plantations. I guess Tituba never realized that she could have had everything in her cabin without following John Indian. Even though the slaves knew about Tituba trials they didn’t stop looking for her to heal them. Tituba found a how to treat cholera and to heal wounds. Tituba enjoyed her peace and freedom she was looking for and more importantly in her land. I can’t still understand why she had to follow John Indian. She would have been much better in her cabin healing slaves, enjoying her land and spending time with her beloved spirits.

I, Tituba – Chapters 13-End of Part II

This last section of reading made me have mixed feelings for Tituba. I was happy to know that she was pregnant and bringing someone into the world to keep her legacy alive, however she does not know when to stay away from those who are actually evil. I’m referring to Christopher and how she wanted to go back to the camp to tell him that she’s pregnant for him. Even when Iphigene told her she shouldn’t. In addition, it’s is very obvious that she’s aware of her sexual life and it seems like every man she comes across she wants to be involved with. Iphigene kept calling her mother and she still asked him on page 167: “Have you ever thought I don’t want you to treat me like a son.” Eventually they got involved with one another and she began to question herself on whether it was a right choice. I feel like she does not like being without a man by herself. She always wants that affection to be alive in her life and that’s why she chose him being her lover rather than a son.

Indraine Ramdut