Breath, Eyes, Memory. Chapters 28 – End

The most interesting  part of the book for me is in the end  when Sophie passes from being a listener to a speaker, herself a teller of tales. At the end of her story Sophie has  ability to speak in her own voice, writing her own life and telling her own story. which makes me feel proud of her since she realizes how much love she has from everyone that surrounded her.

Breath, Eyes, Memory. Chapters 20-27

One interesting part of these chapter is when Grandmè IfĂ© said “You must know that everything a mother does, she does for her child’s own good. You cannot always carry the pain. You must liberate yourself….My heart, it weeps like a river for the pain we have caused you.” it suggests that any true liberation must begin with physical freedom, with a woman’s reclaiming of her body as her own. The woman’s body is assigned piecewise to duties and tasks, every bit put to the service of the family’s honor.

Breath, Eyes, Memory Ch.13-19

In this part of the book the most interesting is when Sophie makes a trip to her grandmother’s homestead allows her into the rural past and into her mother’s history. Rather than a comforting recovery of Sophie’s childhood, the trip becomes a journey inward, a slow unraveling of pain. Where Sophie will expose the horror of the past, but that it will become irrevocably her own.

Breath, Eyes, Memory. Chapters 9-12

The part that I found the most significant is when Martine tests Sophie’s virginity by making sure her hymen is intact. Martine tells Sophie Martine tells Sophie the story of the Marassas, two lovers who were so close that they were practically the same person “The love between a mother and daughter is deeper than the sea. You would leave me for an old man you dint know the year before… you are giving up a life time with me.” with this phrase Martine wanted to make it clear to Sophie that although they did not have such a strong relationship as a mother should have her with her ​​daughter. She loved her and care. Since Martine knew that Sophie felt so far away from her, even when they were so close.

Breath, Eyes, Memory . chapter 5-8

The significant moment of this part is when Sophie arrivals to New York and her mother tell her “You are going to work hard here— no one is going to break your heart because you cannot read or write. You have a chance to become the kind of woman Atie and I have always wanted to be. If you make something of yourself in life, we will all succeed. You can raise our heads.”This words for me are very emotional for me because his mother is telling her daughter that she has come to a place where she could perform as the person she wants to be. Where her dreams and ideas will be not frustrated. She will be who defends them from the injustices that society commits.

Breath, Eyes, Memory. Chapters 1-4

These first chapters have brought to my attention a lot. In this story I have been able to identify a part of my personal life. One of the first characteristics that catches my attention is that Sophie is left under the care of her aunt. In this part I identify myself with Sophie because I was left with my grandmother when I was a baby. Although I always received the love of my grandparents always I wanted to have the affection of my parents. The scene that appeals to me most is when Sophie made a mother’ day card for her Aunt. in This scene Sophie tried to had good detail with her aunt. however her aunt refused to accept the card, she believed that Sophie’s mother deserved to have the card more than her. Which causes Sophie feel rejected by person to whom she looked like her mother.

I – Tituba chap 8-12

the most interesting about this part is that not only blacks were miners in America but also the Jews. Which shows that the white man not only was able to despise, to humiliate and even kill a person which did not have the same social and religious ideals. Another thing that is very interesting in this part of the story is that Mary comes again to have a romance. Since when her new owner leaves her free she refuses and she tells him that she does not want to be away from him even if it means that she is a slave.

I, Tituba – Part II- Chapters 2-7

One of the things that most caught my attention in this part of the story. Is that this talk about how women had a lower status in society regardless of whether the woman was a slave. Also in this part is talk about terms like “feminism”. Also this part is peculiar because it is showing a Tituba who feels insecure worried and even frightened, since she feels that she lost her family support that helped in some way to keep fighting for her ideals. But most important, I think, it is that Tituba learns to follow the advice of people in order to get a rematch against those who put in jail. And this is interesting because she believes in a woman which barely knows and this is estrane because when her own husband tells her to do the same. She does not listen to him

I, Tituba -Chapter 5-9- Vicente

 While I was reading these chapters, I could realize; how painful it could be for a slave to relive the passes of his/her life. One of the scenes that caught my attention is when Tituba presence how an old woman is executed and this scene was so hard for her that led her to remember when her mother was executed. The impact of this was so big for Tituba  that this influenced to her to commit such a terrifying act as she had seen it twice. Take the life of her son, which had not even been born. Which means that she preferred to kill her son, before her son go through the same situation.