Breath, Eyes, Momory. Chapter 13 – 19

Sophie has tried to put the horrible episode of the testing behind her for awhile as she return to Haiti. My thought is that she has returned surching for answers, to find some piece of information that will fit the puzzle to the peace less life she is living. The despairs and physical traumas she has encountered living with Martine has left Sophie dysfunctional and living a life filled with lies. You can tell that he cannot enjoy her marriage to Joseph because she has to doubling when making love to him. The life with Martine has cause Sophie to hate her body, and become bulimic, she is hiding her true feeling and existing in shadows of doubt. When Sophie Broke her own hymen to break the hole Martine had on her It’s seems like other parts of her life were also broken. Will her return to Haiti heal Sophie heart and soul? Will she find the answers she is seeking from her grandmother.

Breath, Eyes, Memory. Chapter 9 – 12

Sophie is now 18 a time when life should be free and full of love. She has compleated her education and gone are the day when the children use to mocked her in the public school. Sophie has kept herself pure as her mother wanted and not becoming involved with any man. However, when her other moved to another neighborhood things began to change. Love was in the air for Sophie, she fell in love with Joseph and start seeing him without Martine consent. To hide her secret because she know her mother will not approve of Joseph, Sophie invented a boy friend that will match the status Martine will approve of.  Martine want to be in total control of Sophie life. Let hope that instead of war that peace rain between mother and daughter.

Breath, Eyes, Memory. Chapters 5- 8

Sophie arrive in the USA to live with her mother who is basically a stranger to her. Sophie does not feel the same connection she has with Tante Atie for her mother. The next day, Martine took Sophie shopping to introduce her to the Haiti culture that exist in her neighborhood. However, what was so sad in this moment was Sophie thought when Martine when to the Haiti Express to mail the cassette for Tante Artie.  Her desire was if she could  shrink herself small enough to fit into the box her mother was mailing off to Artie, she would be in that box. I realized that the abrupt change in Sophie’s life is one that she is not prepared for. Martine on the other hand, is too caught up in the moment to realize that a red flag was erected between mother and daughter. True feelings are not being shown in these chapters of the book and it started when Martine asks Sophie if she was the mother  that Sophie imagined. Sophie replies, that she could not asks for better. Question to be ask, will Sophie concept of her mother change when Martine will always want to know. ” You’re a  good girl, aren’t you?”

Breath, Eyes, Memory. Chapters 1-4

lost opportunities and the inability to change. I am using this phase to hightlight Atie position on her stagnant position. ” At one time, I would have given anything to be in school. But time is gone. Cooking and cleaning, looking after others, that’s my school now.” Sophie is reaching out to her aunt to see if she would change her view on obtaining basic learning skills.  However, she refuse to come to the class to learn to read and write. I admire Atie for encouraging Sophie to stay in school, because when Atie was a child Sophie age she was already working in the cane field. I could be wrong about my prediction about Atie, but there is a reason why she do not want to go to the school. The passage state that mr. Augustine is the teacher who gives the reading lessons. Is that not the same mr. Augustine that Atie beg Sophie, ” To tell no one that she cries when she watches Monsieur Augustine and his wife preparing for bed. This book hold a several secrets about its characters and I cannot wait to see them unfold.

I, Tituba Chapter 13-end of part II

I love reading the story of Tituba. Despite all her trial and tribulation she was humble in her position. She was persecuted because she was different, and the people of Salem did not understand her so, they  treated her like a outcast. When Tituba got back to Barbados I thought she would go to her house directly. instead she joined the Maroons who were only interested in her ability as a witch. Tituba is strong in her spirituality however, her down fall is her weakness for sex and this desire always cause her to make bad judgments. Soon,she is in a relationship with Christopher who just want to used Tibuta to become invincible and immortal. When Tituba found out his intent she left him to go back to her house. later she found out that she is pregnant with Christopher’s baby, she was happy and could not wait to see her daughter. However, that reality did not happened for I, Tituba, she got involved with her son/lover Iphigene who she saved from near death. When he removed from his near death experience all his interest were focus on causing a riot. All the planning he did he did not accomplished his goal. Tibuta and her child lover is betrayed by Christopher and there are hang. She was hang for all the wrong there think she did and did not do.  I did not like the way this book ended. I wanted I,Tituba to find happiness in this life not the after life.

I, Tituba 8-12 of part 2

I, Tituba is save from living all her day incarcenated when Benjamin Cohen came to the prison and rescued her. Her responsibility was to take care of Cohen ten children. When Tituba saw how much he was suffering because of the death of his wife Abigail, she returned to what she knows best communicating with the spirits. soon enought he asked Tituba if his daughter Elizabeth could joint the session, he wanted his daughter to talk with her mother.

What I love in this part of the book is the way Cohen and Tibuta comforted each other and became lovers, despite the vast different race. He treated her like a part of the family and even  discussed his history and business ideas with her. However, where ever Tituba is nothing stayes calm for too long. She is recognized by someone on the street then things turned bad. Tituba is almost stone to death, Cohen house is set on fire and he lost his ten children plus his two boath.

one night Tituba asked Cohen for her freedom and he refused and was angry with Tituba for asking. Only to later confess that he was holding on to her only to communicate with his love ones. He finally decided to give her the freedom she had asked for and bought a ticket for her to returned to Barbados.


I, Tituba Chapter 10 2-7 of part 2

Mama Yaya and Abena told Tituba that John Indian was no good and finally their predictions were proven to be true. Imagine that low down good for nothing let her down when she needed him the most. He even had the audasity to neglect her and join with her enemy to see her condemed. What a man without a back bone? It appears that everyone Tituba loves that’s not in the sprit world, only end up hurting her feelings.

The moment that stood out for me in this section of the book is the friendship Tituba developes with Hester while she was in prison. Althought, Hester was controlling, she  showed Tituba love and educated her on what to say to save her life. When Tituba came back to the prison and found out that Hester had hang herself Tituba did not want to continued living. It seems like the whole of Salem has gone mentally ill and Tituba along with them. As one plague after the other ravish the atmosphere and one person plot to distroyed the other all Tituba wanted was a way out of the madness. However, like hester she did not have the mind set to take her oun life.

I, Tituba chapter 10-1 of part II

I, Tituba is astonished by how much the community of Salem is obsess with the thought of satan. Everything someone did bring suspicion they were paranoid by everything and everyone.Tthey were so distrustful. Tituba got so caught up in what was going on around her that she found herself, ” Reciting incantations and performing ritual.” Tituba knew that she was a good person. However, the people in Salem especially the children thought she was evil although she encourage them to do good.

Tibuta love Betsey and took care of her as if she was her own child. So, it was very surprising when Betsey became sick the way Elizabeth looked at Tibuta with accusing eyes, how ungrateful Elizabeth was.  She had forgot that it was Tituba who took care of her when she was sick. Was Tituba responsible for the predicament she found herself in? Whey did she exposed herself to these children? Was it because she was home sick she told them the folk tale of her island?.

I was upset with the plot those deceitful children played on Tituba. Yet, the moment that really disturbed me was Samuel Parris and his accomplishers. It stired my spirit when they push that sharp instrument into Tituba’s private area. Parris prays to God however, he is a evil man and a bully who want Tituba to confess to something she is not. When he did not get his own way he make sure that she was put in jail

I, Tituba chapter 5-9

in comparison Mary’s Master Mr. D and Mr. Parris are weak men who take pleasure in hitting the weak. they both beat their wife and think it was okay to be dominance, Mr. parris even go as far as hitting his own daughter. Tituba, love Betsy and Elizabeth parris because they too have been rob of their childhood.

Parris is a wicked man who used the words of the Bible to his convince. His wife is so tormented by him, one day she asked Tituba ” If she thinks there were a curse in woman.’ Tibuba does not share Elizabeth point of view about life, she love to defend herself like Mary did and she is comfortable in her sexuality. In face whereas, Elizabeth hate sex Tituba embrace sex to the fullest.

It is a sad situation that Tituba found herself in just because of love for her husband John Indian. She is caught up in a life of slavery that she could have avoid. Now, she is home sick and she long for the island of Barbados. To keep her memory alive she is telling the children and Elizabeth the story that she were one told when she was a child. However, big mistake and she realized when conning Abigail asking her question strange questions. After all did Tituba not recognized the evil in Abigail’s eyes from the first day she met her.

Sonia Davidson I, Tituba chapters1-4

My mother have a saying that goes like this, ” When you are in good house, bad house does come and call you.” I linked this phase to Tituba headstrong and stubborn way. She was living a life of freedom in her own little world. However, when she set her eyes on John Indian everything change. He gave her a choice to stay in her world or come and live with him. While making her decision, she recollected the words Mama Yaya  said to her ” You will suffer during your life. A lot. But you will survive.” Although, she was forewarned she still decided to give up all she had for the sake of love. Now remember, mama Yaya and Tituba mother does not approve of this union. Yet, she persist in having her own way, every time  she want something she calls on Mama Yaya to assist her in some evil spell. Tituba must have whatever Tituba wants even if it means killing for it.

As I am reading Tituba story. I am waiting with great anticipation to see how much she will suffer, when the suffering will begin, what will be the reason for the suffering, and who will initiate the beginning of the suffering on her.