Looking at Food, Looking at Photography

Hong Yi, cucumber landscape

Hong Yi, cucumber landscape

Welcome! If you’re here, then you’re probably enrolled in “The Art of Food” Learning Community. We are three classes that will go through the Fall 2014 semester together. All students are enrolled in Prof Cheng’s History of Photography ARTH1100-D401 class and either Prof Garcelon’s Culinary I HGMT 1203-D422 or Prof Jacus’s Baking & Pastry I HGMT 1204-D428 class. This website is where you’ll submit much of your discussion and work for my History of Photography class. Although I’ll be grading your work here, Professors Garcelon and Jacus will be looking in too, as well as commenting and participating. You will get many opportunities to think about what you produce in Culinary I and Baking & Pastry I in artistic terms, and better understand the history of an ever-changing medium.

I look forward to meeting you in class. Look around, and check back frequently as I develop our class site, and please do  not hesitate to contact me.

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