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This picture was actually an accident. If I remember correctly I took this picture when we were moving the light around. This is actually side light. I love how there is a ray of light in the shot and its just so pretty.

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Learning log 2

I really like this picture, Im not sure if its my best but there’s something about this picture that makes me smile and think its wonderful.
The picture has some upper negative space as with frame cropping, theres a little bit of more light on the left of the sunflower.

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Learning log 2 – Regina Torres

My favorite picture from today was this one because there was a good use of negative and positive space and also because even though is a radical cropping, it only focuses on the petals, and also the light created some nice shadows.

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Frame or Radical Cropping

"The Chair"

The picture that I find to be successful within the album was this Radical Cropping of the chair. The picture is interesting because of the different lighting, the top of the picture is brighter where the bottom of the picture is dark. In the background is more of a blue while the chair itself is very focus/sharp.

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Ruvin Yusupov Homework #1

Jeff Chien-Hsing Liao
Flat Iron Building, 2011

What type of photograph is it?


This photograph is an artistic photograph, because it clearly shows the people around NYC’s Iron Fold Building.


What can you tell (or guess) about the photographer’s intention?


I guess that the photo shows that the people of New York make the city so great not the buildings that can be found there.


What emphasis has the photographer created and how has that been done?


The photographer creates emphasis on the people by using selective focus on them.


Do technical matters help or hinder the image?


Technical matters help the photo because the photo is of everything not anything specific amongst the crowd that is there.


Are graphic elements important, such as tone, line, or perspective?


Yes they are important; the first thing I saw was the perspective that is made from the Iron Fold building.


What else does the photographer reveal besides what is immediately evident?


He reveals the cultural diversity of New York City.


What emotional or physical impact does the photograph have?


This photo makes your eyes widen with the deep perspective and then it brings you back with selective focus on the people.


How does this photograph relate to others made by the same photographer, in the same period, or of the same subject matter?


This photographer takes photos of New York’s greatest views from all over and this is another that captures the Flat Iron Building.

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Learning log 1

The picture I like the best that I took was the one with a lot of black background and a small part of the chair. I think this picture is successful because it looks good and it has negative space in it.

Also its eye catching, it has all this black background and at a corner a small chair thats grey. It’s interesting.

Today in class I have learned a lot, I have learned about viewpoint, space and perspective, line,  balance and lighting. It was an interesting experience.

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In-Class Chair/Stool Photoshoot – Jahshari Wilson

Today, we did an in-class photoshoot; the subject being a chair or stool. We learned how to operate and handle a camera, read a histogram for a picture, angles, resolution, and overall shooting. For the photoshoot, we had to take twenty different shots, focusing on viewpoint, space and perspective, line, balance, texture, and lighting. I learned about having positive or negative space in a picture, and how to take a picture at an oblique angle.


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Filed under learning log 1-Composition, Learning Logs, Uncategorized

Welcome to Digital Photography!

Please create a new post (not a comment) for your homework assignment. Assign it the category HW1.

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