Brooklyn History Sociaty

Our second trip with the class. The Brooklyn Historical Society. First time for me in this place. Beautiful library. Classic. With this visit people can observe, in this particular case, how different was photography in the 1800´s and how is in the present.

The daguerreotype, a direct-positive process, was created with a long and tedious method. This, included polished a plate, mix chemicals, transfer to the cameras, mix some other chemicals, and  so on. All of this involved hours and hours of time. Today, taken and printing a photograph is simpler. People with a digital camera or even with a dSLR, they just need to snap the object, person or whatever they want to shoot, and you can see it right on the screen. If you like your picture, you keep it and just go to the store and they will print it for you. Depends of the paper and some specifications, you can have the pictures right away in your hands.


Daguerreotype was a classic object that people used to decorate their homes. And was more for portraits than objects or landscapes. Today, they look classic and amazing but, definitely is easier the process of photography now. We have options in cameras, colors, black and white, and hundreds of effects that we can use with our pictures to make them look amazing and originals.

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