metalic wall chained closed that reads "I AM THE WRiting ON THE WALL"
I am writing on the wall” by Christian Heilmann via Flickr CC BY 2.0

Tuesday, April 9


  • Individual Mentor Texts (select one from list on Unit 3 Assignment Links post)
    • After reviewing examples of various genres, decide on which genre/multimodal format you are going to compose in and find a “mentor text” to use as a model for your Unit 3 assignment.  Remember your mentor text does not have to match your topic in terms of content. You are looking at the genre. 
    • Look at your mentor text and take notes on the following: What are the elements and features of the multimodal genre in which you will be composing? Some things to consider are the typical length, tone, format, use of visual images. Also, think about how this genre is organizes and presents information, and how an audience typically responds to or interacts with the content.


Thursday, April 11


Discussion Activity

  1. Describe the tone of the text. Who would you say is the intended audience?
  2. What sort of evidence does the written text use?
  3. What impact do the illustrations have on the written text? How do the illustrations themselves use text?


  • Multimodal Brainstorming Worksheet | Continue work from Tuesday to brainstorm ideas for your projects. We will spend next week drafting ahead of spring break.
  • By next Tuesday, turn in responses to the following:
    1. Topic
    2. Audience:
    3. Genre description:
    4. In addition to written text, what other multimodal elements will your project include? (photos, illustrations, videos, charts, graphs, etc. — be as specific as possible!)