Professor: Joe Brogdon

Discussion: Introductions

Please add a comment (approx. 100 words) to this post introducing yourself to the class.

  • Write a paragraph discussing your academic and personal interests. If you have a major, what is it and why did you choose it? If you don’t yet have a major, what areas of study are you considering? What types of genres do you enjoy reading, listening to, or watching? Share any other information you’d like, including your pronouns.
  • Think about language and the different ways you communicate or speak. Choose a word or phrase that you use with one group of people (family, friends, co-workers, etc.) that would not be understood by a different group of people in your life. What is the meaning of this word or phrase? How would you explain it to someone who is an outsider?

Before next class, please add your introduction.

Get to know your classmates by reading the comments!  Do you have something in common? Did you learn something? Reply to one of your classmates’ comments.


  1. rrahman

    My name is Rayat. As of right now, my major is Computer Systems Technology, otherwise known as CST. This is a major that goes into computer systems and how we can manipulate them to develop apps, fix technical issues, and other things. I chose this major not knowing anything beforehand only because I’d heard of other people making really good money from it but now that I have taken the basic courses that go into this topic, I found myself being interested. I like to watch a lot of genres. The one I watch the most is anime. In our language, we have a phrase “chesta korte hobe”, which means to try our best.

  2. Jiayan Zhu

    Reading Chinese novels is a delightful escape; the varied settings, characters, and events captivate my imagination. Music, particularly Chinese melodies and soothing tunes, is a cherished pastime. In the realm of academics, I’ve immersed myself in computer systems. The choice was organic, rooted in my deep love for gaming. Exploring this field allows me to delve into the intricacies of technology, understanding how it intricately weaves together to produce not only captivating games but a myriad of other fascinating electronic wonders. My journey encompasses a harmonious blend of cultural appreciation and technological curiosity, creating a well-rounded tapestry of interests.

  3. Teddy

    Hi, my name is Jees Teddy Gaboton. I prefer going by just “Teddy” at school and at work. My major is Computer Systems and right now, I’m very passionate about Software Programming and I’m very determined to become a very skillful Software programmer in the future. I don’t read a lot but when I do, I like reading romance, mixed of course with some other stuff like drama, thriller and mystery.

    I think language is very interesting and weird and I think it’s funny how I’m fluent in 3 languages and at times feel like I can barely speak them. A phrase I use with a particular group of people would be “Control it’ and is a phrase I used with my online friends on Twitter and it can be applied to many situations and I won’t dive into it because you wouldn’t be to get it with the proper context.

  4. Christian C

    Hey my name is Christian, in terms of my major I am undecided right now. I know that I want to study in the engineering field which is STEM based. I choose to be in this area of study because growing up I always excelled in math and science classes even though I was good at literature, I gravitated more to that side of education. I do not speak another language fluently but my family being primarily Haitian I pick up on a lot of Kreole which is broken french. I say certain words from here and there a prime example of the words I say is “bonfett” which is happy birthday. I use this very frequently because my family is primarily haitian and when people hear us speaking such words they laugh a little because the tone and the way it is pronounced.

  5. Norman

    My name is Norman Williams; I am beginning my sophomore year here at City Tech, majoring in computer systems technology with a concentration in data science. My journey with technology started over 25 years ago. One of the things that attracted me to technology is that it constantly evolves. For me, achieving this degree is more of a personal achievement than a career move; this is not to say that it will not be beneficial; technology has always been an exciting field. What first began as a hobby has become a career for me. 

  6. Ravishan Munasinghe

    Hi, my name is Ravishan Munasinghe, and you can also call me Ravi. I use He/Him pronouns. I am a first-year student at City Tech, studying computer science. Choosing this major was a significant life decision for me because it followed my own interest. I have always loved math and technology in general. I work a part-time job in addition to being a full-time college student to help support myself and lessen my financial burden on my parents.For me, personally, I enjoy reading personal narratives more since I can relate to them on a personal level sometimes. For example, since I am an immigrant, I can mostly relate to Amy Tan’s Fish Cheeks. I enjoy watching suspenseful films and television shows, such as John Wick and Bullet Train. Our family uses the phrase “ඔබේම මාර්ගය අනැගමනය කරන්න (obēma mārgaya anugamanaya karann)” which means “follow on your own path,” which is what I’m essentially doing right now. My parents would often tell me to “follow my own path,” and I used to wonder why they would say that. However, as time went on, I understood the meaning of the phrase, which is that only I can choose what I want to do, what I like to do and it’s all my decisions to make. And I’m glad that I chose what I want and like to do.

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