Week 10: Homework

After discussing your team’s possible topics (at least 3) and proposed deliverable (e.g., website, help system, app, white paper, book, etc.), collaboratively write a memo in your Google Drive shared folder. It should follow this format and be at least 250 words:

TO: Prof. Ellis
FROM: Write all team member's full names here
SUBJECT: Final Team Project Planning Memo

Write a sentence introducing the purpose of this memo.

Write a discussion of three topics you discussed for the content of your proposed deliverable. Indicate which of the three your team selected.

Write a brief discussion about the proposed deliverable and which type your team selected.

Then, each team member should copy-and-paste the memo into a comment made to this post (so each team member has recorded credit for contributing to the homework assignment).

For folks who were absent, we will find team placements for you next week. To make up this missed assignment, you can take advantage of one of the extra credit opportunities.

And for easier access, the overall project is detailed on the syllabus and below. We will break this down into parts and work on it during future classes, though some time outside of class will be necessary to complete the project.

Final Team Project, 30%

The final team project gives students an opportunity to apply what they have learned about IA by writing and publishing a 2,500-word report online that proposes a complex website or document and includes explanations/reflections about why and what purpose each component of their report serves in terms of IA. The report will be written and published using Google Docs. The report requires at least 10 quoted and cited library-based sources (class readings that were drawn from the library are acceptable to use). Additional sources from external sources are permitted, but these sources need to be contextualized more rigorously than library vetted sources. On the last day of class, each team will email a link to their project to Prof. Ellis and give a short 5-10 minute presentation in class anchored by a slidedeck that provides an overview of their report.

9 thoughts on “Week 10: Homework”

  1. To: Prof Ellis

    From: Kahini Chauhan, Jaida Clouden, and Sphear Forde

    Date: April 17, 2023

    Subject: Final Team Project Planning Memo


    The purpose of this memo is to present our English 3790 final team project plan we created utilizing the eight principles of Information Architecture.


    Our group consists of three Professional and Technical Writing majors with a Biology specialization. The core topic is Biology while using our knowledge in information architecture. We started with a few different topic ideas regarding Biology, including but not limited to adolescent health, organ functions, cancer, and asthma. After a group consensus, we decided to choose adolescent health with a focus on mental, physical, and emotional disorders. 


    Due to today’s rapidly progressing technological advancements, many prevalent adolescent disorders are overlooked. We believe the best way to bring attention to these disorders would be through an HTML website. Websites are a quick and easy way to relay information. People are also more likely to read the information on a website than on a white paper.

    To create the website, we plan to use GitHub. We will create a website on GitHub due to our present knowledge from the prior GitHub using the sitemap we created. With GitHub we practiced HTML, organizing principles, and linking strategies for the best user experience. All three team members have also created and published websites through GitHub. The website will have three main pages and two subpages for the three categories – mental, physical, and emotional health. The three main pages will include text with visuals. We will be using the IA design process which consists of research and recommendation, deliverables, conceptual design, user testing, and implementation. 

  2. To: Prof Ellis

    From: Kahini Chauhan, Jaida Clouden, and Sphear Forde

    Date: April 17, 2023

    Subject: Final Team Project Planning Memo


    The purpose of this memo is to present our English 3790 final team project plan we created utilizing the eight principles of Information Architecture.


    Our group consists of three Professional and Technical Writing majors with a Biology specialization. The core topic is Biology while using our knowledge in information architecture. We started with a few different topic ideas regarding Biology, including but not limited to adolescent health, organ functions, cancer, and asthma. After a group consensus, we decided to choose adolescent health with a focus on mental, physical, and emotional disorders. 


    Due to today’s rapidly progressing technological advancements, many prevalent adolescent disorders are overlooked. We believe the best way to bring attention to these disorders would be through an HTML website. Websites are a quick and easy way to relay information. People are also more likely to read the information on a website than on a white paper.

    To create the website, we plan to use GitHub. We will create a website on GitHub due to our present knowledge from the prior GitHub using the sitemap we created. With GitHub, we practiced HTML, organizing principles, and linking strategies for the best user experience. All three team members have also created and published websites through GitHub. The website will have three main pages and two subpages for the three categories – mental, physical, and emotional health. The three main pages will include text with visuals. We will be using the IA design process, which consists of research and recommendation, deliverables, conceptual design, user testing, and implementation.

  3. To: Prof Ellis

    From: Kahini Chauhan, Jaida Clouden, and Sphear Forde

    Date: April 17, 2023

    Subject: Final Team Project Planning Memo


    The purpose of this memo is to present our English 3790 final team project plan we created utilizing the eight principles of Information Architecture.


    Our group consists of three Professional and Technical Writing majors with a Biology specialization. The core topic is Biology while using our knowledge in information architecture. We started with a few different topic ideas regarding Biology, including but not limited to adolescent health, organ functions, cancer, and asthma. After a group consensus, we decided to choose adolescent health with a focus on mental, physical, and emotional disorders. 


    Due to today’s rapidly progressing technological advancements, many prevalent adolescent disorders are overlooked. We believe the best way to bring attention to these disorders would be through an HTML website. Websites are a quick and easy way to relay information. People are also more likely to read the information on a website than on a white paper.

    To create the website, we plan to use GitHub. We will create a website on GitHub due to our present knowledge from the prior GitHub using the sitemap we created. With GitHub we practiced HTML, organizing principles, and linking strategies for the best user experience. All three team members have also created and published websites through GitHub. The website will have three main pages and two subpages for the three categories – mental, physical, and emotional health. The three main pages will include text with visuals. We will be using the IA design process, which consists of research and recommendation, deliverables, conceptual design, user testing, and implementation. 

  4. TO: Prof. Ellis

    FROM: Nalia, Nikka, Khemraj, and Khaled

    DATE: April 24, 2023

    SUBJECT: Final Team Project Planning Memo

    This memo outlines our discussion on Monday concerning the final project’s proposal topic, where we proposed three topics of interest and concluded by agreeing upon our final topic for the project. The three topics that were proposed by our team were:

    1. Diabetes
    2. Houseplants
    3. Water toxicity

    The first topic suggested was “Diabetes.” It was suggested that we create some kind of bioinformatic concerning the common causes and myths surrounding diabetes. Our purpose would be to inform an average US user and give them actionable steps towards addressing potential causes they identified in their own lives. We eventually decided against this topic due to discomfort from some group members. 

    The second topic that was discussed was houseplants. The initial brainstorm for this topic was to create a website that organized information about common and exotic houseplants while also including some care guides and recommendations for the audience. It was imagined that this website would be in a Hub and Spoke format. 

     It was also suggested that we might create a website collating information concerning water toxicity in the US. The site would use visual languages such as maps and charts to summarize and clearly present important top-level statistics and then provide bibliographic information and/or external links to the original information sources. We decided against this topic because of the heavy reliance on research and external sources. 

    Our team had a short discussion for the proposed deliverable because we already had the mindset of creating a website.

  5. TO: Prof. Ellis

    FROM: Nalia, Nikka, Khemraj, and Khaled

    DATE: April 24, 2023

    SUBJECT: Final Team Project Planning Memo

    This memo outlines our discussion on Monday concerning the final project’s proposal topic, where we proposed three topics of interest and concluded by agreeing upon our final topic for the project. The three topics that were proposed by our team were:

    1. Diabetes
    2. Houseplants
    3. Water toxicity

    The first topic suggested was “Diabetes.” It was suggested that we create some kind of bioinformatic concerning the common causes and myths surrounding diabetes. Our purpose would be to inform an average US user and give them actionable steps towards addressing potential causes they identified in their own lives. We eventually decided against this topic due to discomfort from some group members. 

    The second topic that was discussed was houseplants. The initial brainstorm for this topic was to create a website that organized information about common and exotic houseplants while also including some care guides and recommendations for the audience. It was imagined that this website would be in a Hub and Spoke format. 

     It was also suggested that we might create a website collating information concerning water toxicity in the US. The site would use visual languages such as maps and charts to summarize and clearly present important top-level statistics and then provide bibliographic information and/or external links to the original information sources. We decided against this topic because of the heavy reliance on research and external sources. 

    Our team had a short discussion for the proposed deliverable because we already had the mindset of creating a website.

  6. TO: Prof. Ellis

    FROM: Nalia, Nikka, Khemraj, and Khaled

    DATE: April 24, 2023

    SUBJECT: Final Team Project Planning Memo

    This memo outlines our discussion on Monday concerning the final project’s proposal topic, where we proposed three topics of interest and concluded by agreeing upon our final topic for the project. The three topics that were proposed by our team were:

    1. Diabetes
    2. Houseplants
    3. Water toxicity

    The first topic suggested was “Diabetes.” It was suggested that we create some kind of bioinformatic concerning the common causes and myths surrounding diabetes. Our purpose would be to inform an average US user and give them actionable steps towards addressing potential causes they identified in their own lives. We eventually decided against this topic due to discomfort from some group members. 

    The second topic that was discussed was houseplants. The initial brainstorm for this topic was to create a website that organized information about common and exotic houseplants while also including some care guides and recommendations for the audience. It was imagined that this website would be in a Hub and Spoke format. 


    It was also suggested that we might create a website collating information concerning water toxicity in the US. The site would use visual languages such as maps and charts to summarize and clearly present important top-level statistics and then provide bibliographic information and/or external links to the original information sources. We decided against this topic because of the heavy reliance on research and external sources. 

    Our team had a short discussion for the proposed deliverable because we already had the mindset of creating a website.

  7. To: Professor Ellis

    From: Sandy, Lisette, and Bria

    Date: April 24, 2023

    Subject: Final Team Project Planning Memo

    Hello Professor Ellis, we have made this memo to describe our plan to create a website that will focus on informing our audience about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) among the age groups of children, adolescents, and adults. 

    We immediately began to think about what our project would be centered around. Child Psychology was something we all agreed on as an umbrella for the project. Before we came to the agreement of deciding on Autism Spectrum Disorder, the topics we discussed were ASD within the LGBTQ+ community, autistic teens, and exploring childhood behavioral issues. We decided to speak on the age groups of children, adolescents, and adults; focusing on what ASD is and the signs and symptoms of autism in each group. 

    We decided to create a website that will incorporate a hierarchy structure consisting of 4 main pages, 11 subpages, and an additional 3 subpages. Each page will be descriptive of what ASD is, the levels and significant types of ASD, the signs and symptoms, along with ways to support those diagnosed with autism. Our aim is to inform and support our audience by creating a website to provide information and resources on ASD.We plan on using GitHub to create our website for this project. It just makes the most sense considering it is something we all know how to operate. 

  8. To: Professor Ellis

    From: Sandy, Lisette, and Bria

    Date: April 24, 2023

    Subject: Final Team Project Planning Memo

    Hello Professor Ellis, we have made this memo to describe our plan to create a website that will focus on informing our audience about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) among the age groups of children, adolescents, and adults. 

    We immediately began to think about what our project would be centered around. Child Psychology was something we all agreed on as an umbrella for the project. Before we came to the agreement of deciding on Autism Spectrum Disorder, the topics we discussed were ASD within the LGBTQ+ community, autistic teens, and exploring childhood behavioral issues. We decided to speak on the age groups of children, adolescents, and adults; focusing on what ASD is and the signs and symptoms of autism in each group. 

    We decided to create a website that will incorporate a hierarchy structure consisting of 4 main pages, 11 subpages, and an additional 3 subpages. Each page will be descriptive of what ASD is, the levels and significant types of ASD, the signs and symptoms, along with ways to support those diagnosed with autism. Our aim is to inform and support our audience by creating a website to provide information and resources on ASD.We plan on using GitHub to create our website for this project. It just makes the most sense considering it is something we all know how to operate.

  9. To: Professor Ellis

    From: Sandy, Lisette, and Bria

    Date: April 24, 2023

    Subject: Final Team Project Planning Memo

    Hello Professor Ellis, we have made this memo to describe our plan to create a website that will focus on informing our audience about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) among the age groups of children, adolescents, and adults. 

    We immediately began to think about what our project would be centered around. Child Psychology was something we all agreed on as an umbrella for the project. Before we came to the agreement of deciding on Autism Spectrum Disorder, the topics we discussed were ASD within the LGBTQ+ community, autistic teens, and exploring childhood behavioral issues. We decided to speak on the age groups of children, adolescents, and adults; focusing on what ASD is and the signs and symptoms of autism in each group. 

    We decided to create a website that will incorporate a hierarchy structure consisting of 4 main pages, 11 subpages, and an additional 3 subpages. Each page will be descriptive of what ASD is, the levels and significant types of ASD, the signs and symptoms, along with ways to support those diagnosed with autism. Our aim is to inform and support our audience by creating a website to provide information and resources on ASD. We plan on using GitHub to create our website for this project. It just makes the most sense considering it is something we all know how to operate.

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