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Hi, my name is Allison and I come from the beautiful twin island republic of Trinidad and Tobago. I currently reside in New York City. My hobbies are cooking, and meeting new people. I love to spend quality time with my family and close friends. I must say that I’m excited about being in college, even though it is all a bit overwhelming. The best thing is that I have some of the best teachers that are willing to work with me as long as I make the effort.



Hello Everyone

Hello Everyone, my name is Christopher Estevez you can call me Chris for short.. I like spending my time learning new things such as learning to code, solving some puzzles, etc. Brooklyn is my home it’s where I reside (born and raised). During my academics journey I hope to advance in my learning and set small achievable goals to then reach the bigger goals. Right now my current interest is Technology.

Speaking of Technology, my major is Computer Infomation Systems (CIS). I am a cat person. Here’s a link of what type of cat I have. I’m not a very open book type of person I rely on few friends and family. Let me know what you think.

Myself introduction

Hello, To begin, my name is Kylie Michelle Matias Born in the Dominican Republic On May 12, 2004, my pronouns are Her/She. I immigrated to the United States when I was 12 years old and since I arrived I had a goal of becoming an American citizen to be able to get rid of my last name. from my dad and on March 9, 2023 I achieved it from Kylie Michelle Garcia Matias Just Kylie Michelle Matias, The reason I took away my father’s last name is because it is a last name that does not identify me and he is a father I abandon myself and my mother, my hobbies in New York are about living because New York is a state where you don’t have time for anything, you wake up, you have to go to university, you come home from university, you fall asleep and you have to wake up again. for the university and the truth is that that is not life we ​​are slaves to new york and although I love the United States the truth is that I hate new york and I want to move to another state.

She is my mother and she is very special to me since she is everything in my life and this photo is special because on Tuesday, September 5, I could not be with her on her birthday because she was in this class but I made up for it by making her a surprise. with Minnie Mouse, who is her favorite doll and I feel very happy because she loved it and had a great time, It is also special because thanks to her I live in the United States since she came in 2014 and left us here to give us a better future and for us to be happy and even though I don’t like New York very much, I feel happy to be here because my mother I cry a lot and work a lot to get us here.

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