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Hi, my name is Walter. I was born and raised in Brooklyn New York for my whole life. My pronouns are there are only two genders. Male and Female. I’m male looool XD. My parents come from the Caribbean, I’m Jamaican. In my free time I usually play games or make random things like model vehicles like train cars and stuff like that. My father recognized this but never mentioned it to me until I was about 15. Ever since I was small I always liked building things and my father told me that engineering runs in his family on his father’s side. Although I don’t remember exactly the specific type, my grandfather and great grandfather were engineers. One day my father asked me what I wanted to be in the future and I honestly never knew what to say because I never thought about it. It was then that he explained to me that the traits of my talent were that of an engineer. I found out what I wanted be do that day which was to be an engineer. I always liked making stuff and I am really interested in machines so I wanted to be a mechanical engineer to be specific. Now that I just finished high school and that’s out of the way all I need to do is get my degree in mechanical engineering and I’m good. I found out that my career choice will offer a ton of money plus it’s something I would enjoy so, why not pursue it. That’s what I’m in college for after all. If all goes well and I reach my goal and get enough money then when I retire I might become a gaming you tuber. I enjoy playing games just as much as I enjoy building things. I’m feena fold yall in a 4v1,


Hello, My name is Maria my preferred pronouns are she/her I am originally from Brooklyn, NY. I grew up in Crown Heights a unique place to be raised in my opinion. I currently reside in East New York a more rougher neighborhood. Academically I love English I enjoy to read and I feel like reading helps you have a visual image in your head and takes your mind on a journey. I was never really a math person. It makes my brain hurt. Growing up I loved girly stuff dressing up ,doing my hair and makeup and as I grew older doing makeup became a hobby for me then eventually turned into a side hustle. I still do my own make up not so much other people’s anymore due to work and school. When I am free I enjoy going to the gym. Definitely used to be a gym rat at some point I miss going 4 times a week, Guess that’s why I gained all the weight I lost back. Oh well. I am starting a new journey in my life. Becoming a college student was something I always wanted to do but after I graduated from high school I put school on pause to start working and helping my mother. Now that I have the opportunity to start I am excited, nervous, and scared all at the same time.

This picture Is meaningful to me because I took it when I was on my way to Puerto Rico. I peeked out the window and saw how beautiful the sky was and I realized that I wanted to see the world.

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My name is Dylan I’m 17, I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I really love basketball my favorite player all time is Kobe Bryant but currently it’s Steph Curry. I’ve been playing basketball pretty much all my life I have played for many teams including my school aau etc. When I’m not playing basketball I’m playing video games with my friends or watching sports with my dad. My favorite thing to do in New York City is to go bike riding at nigh with my friends.

This picture is meaningful to me because it shows how distant I am from others. It shows I shouldn’t rely on people to help me accomplish my goals and I can just go out and do it by myself.

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