UNIT 2, Day 2: Mon. March 13th

Read “How coronavirus stress may scramble our brains” by Laura Sanders

    • What did you think of the piece? Be honest! Did you find any parts interesting? Did you learn something new?
    • Who do you think is the intended audience of the piece? Who is meant to read this text?
    • What do you think is the purpose of this text? Why do you think the author wrote it?
    • How do you know that this is an example of a feature article? Be specific! 
    • What did you notice about how the author wrote this piece? Maybe the tone (formal, informal, humorous, casual, etc), or the use of ethos (statistics and facts) or the use of pathos (emotion) or the use of logos (logic)?
    • What stands out to you– what do you like/ dislike about this writer’s style?  What are you confused by? What do you want to know more about? Pay special attention to how this author uses research (outside facts, statistics, history, news, interviews) etc in their writing.

What did you learn from reading this feature article? How did this author use research? How do they use personal experience? Did the author tell any stories?  

1 Comment

  1. Mayra Penafiel

    i found this piece boring to be honest but very informal because it provides alot of facts and information about the brain and how it functions while you are stressed. i found how we are less stressed when we do something we have a decent knowledge on in which causes us to not stress rather then when we do something very new to us. for example this article used a path as an example of how someone can get stressed, they had the familiar path and new path, the brain got more stressed trying to figure out the new path as in just going through the familiar path where your brain has already adjusted to. i also learned that the prefrontal cortex plays a great roll in how the brain signals under stress, the prefrontal cortex cant get the thoughts/signals through correctly. I believe the intended audience is basically anyone who stresses alot and wants to figure out why, that wants to get into more detail in how they can stress less and ways to work with it so they dont always stay stress. more ways to cope with it and treat it in a way. I know this is a feature article because it provides many facts, data, visuals, research and information about the brain and how it works under stress, for example the picture the article inserted with how the prefrontal cortex functions with its signals throughout while in stress and not in stress. in this article i noticed how the author used alot of ethos and was very informal but also in the beginning the author used some personal experience as how she felt during the pandemic and the stress the pandemic gave with kids going into online classes and how many people where just dying from day to day and how that caused a big stress and along with this the author demonstrated how the brain reacts with stress and then she was also able to understand how basically her body reacts under stress and why. this article was pretty interesting with how much facts and sources she used so the audience can also get a better understanding of how they are under stress since the pandemic was very unexpected and honestly seemed to be the biggest trigger to many people stressing out with the new adaptations they needed to adapt to out of the blue.

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