UNIT 1 (Portrait of a Word)

Unit 1, Day 1: Mon. Feb. 6th

In Class


  • Read the first 7 pages of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao  by Junot Diaz Don’t forget to read the footnotes! Answer the following questions on OpenLab! 
    • What did you think of this piece? Be honest! Why? Explain! 
    • What do you find difficult or confusing? Be specific! Point out particular passages that confused you and explain why you were confused.  What do you think the writer may have been trying to do?  Find a particular passage that was difficult and explain specifically where you got caught up and why. I get it. This seems like a really strange thing to do– but there’s a point to it!  The places you have difficulty are where you’re doing your best thinking.  The places you struggle are the places PhD students struggle too.  Difficulties aren’t walls to stop you but obstacles that you can (and will) overcome!
    • How does the author use footnotes? Why do you think he makes this choice?
    • What discourse community does Oscar Wao belong to? What word is important to his DC?  Why does this word matter? What does it teach outsiders about his DC?  


Unit 1, Day 2: Wed. Feb. 8th

In Class



  • READ and ANNOTATE “HERS” by Perri Klass. In this article, the writer paints a portrait, not of a particular word, but of a whole new language she had to learn in order to fit in with her new profession. While you are reading, ANNOTATE places  in the text that caught your eye, where you wanted to know more, where you were confused or where you related!
  • WRITE: At least 300 words. What community is Klass a part of? What is an example of the whole new language that she had to learn (be specific!). What are some communities that you are a part of? (hint: we’re all a part of multiple communities!) What “languages” have you had to learn to engage with these communities—and how did you learn these languages? Are there particular words or phrases that stick out to you as helping you feel like you were part of the in-crowd? Post on OpenLab.


**NO CLASS FEB 13th**


UNIT 1, Day 3: Wednesday, Feb. 15th

In Class


  • Project 1: Step 1: Choose and Introduce Your Community
  • Write an introduction to your community. It should be about 250 words. It might be helpful to FOCUS on the SPECIFIC LEXIS (specialized language) and other unique criteria.   


**NO CLASS FEB. 20th***


***UNIT 1, Day 4: **TUESDAY**, Feb. 21st***

In Class

  • PowerPoint
  • Discuss the Power of Words: Connotations vs. Denotations of Words
  • Begin Project 1: Step 2: Choose a Word or a Phrase and then Show Us the Word in Action using the Project 1: Step 2 Handout


  • Complete Project 1, Step 2 Handout


**UNIT 1, Day 5: Wed. Feb. 22nd**

In Class

  • PowerPoint
  • Add concrete, significant details
  • Write the scene
  • Write a description of your word or phrase AND show the word or phrase in action. 



  • Project 1: Step 2: Write a description of your word or phrase AND show the word or phrase in action. It should be about 750 words in total. Bring into class a print copy. DUE Feb. 27th


UNIT 1, Day 6: Mon. Feb. 27th

In Class

  • PowerPoint
  • Review the elements of an analytical essay
  • Draft essay 



  • **Project 1 DRAFT DUE Mon. March 6th! Cannot be late if you want me to comment/ review your draft!


UNIT 1, Day 7: Wed. March 1st. 

In Class


  • Draft Due Mon March 6th


UNIT 1, Day 7: Mon. March 6th

In Class


  • Project 1 Final Draft Due Mon. March 13th
  • Unit 1 Reflection Due Mon. March 13th