Project 1: Step 1: Choose and Introduce Your Community using the Project 1: Step 1 Handout
Write an introduction to your community. It should be about 250 words. It might be helpful to FOCUS on the SPECIFIC LEXIS (specialized language) and other unique criteria.
The City University of New York, or CUNY for short, is a public university in New York City that enrolls students. According to Wikipedia, it has 25 campuses, which consist of seven professional intuitions, eleven senior colleges, and seven community colleges. CUNY is the discourse community that I am a member of. You can gain entry by applying on the website, and if you are eligible, you will be a part of the CUNY community. My community meets all the criteria that Dan Meltzer explained. The CUNY community has a set of common public goals, some of which are the following: trying to be as helpful as possible in helping students pass their courses; making sure everyone in the community is respectful and accepting of each other; and trying to prepare students for jobs in their career of choice. There are many different ways for members of this community to communicate with one another and to provide information and feedback, but one is through the website of The City University of New York ( There are different genres that help further the goals of the discourse community, like emails, tests, and homework. The community has a specific lexicon too; for example, words like “TAP” mean “tuition assistance program” and “PELL” mean money that is given to a student who needs it to pay for college. Another example is “Blackboard,” which is what students in CUNY use to keep up with their courses. And finally, there is a threshold level of expert members, which are the professors. According to, CUNY’s core values are impact, excellence, partnerships, equity, curiosity, and teamwork. There are many rules in the community, but according to, some of which are the following: no plagiarism in schoolwork; no falsification of records and official documents; and no cheating in schoolwork. In my opinion there is no unique identity kit for the CUNY community.