Memo For Twitter Story Project
In Retrospect
The experience of Digital Storytelling is one I will take with me for the rest of my academic and student profession. I was able to learn and create narratives across multiple platforms; this practice enabled me to gain the knowledge of different types of narratives along with the best practices to implement them. When we began the class, our first task was to create anon fictional narrative that we will host on Twitter. In this project I was able to experiment with shortened language, emoticons, as well as the integration of images that would help the story. In this instance the shortened form of language created a constraint for me; my audience had a hard time understanding the language which interfered with the way they were able to interact with my story. With this noted, in the second fiction YouTube project I was able to create an inviting video which enabled my audience to laugh, share experiences, and invited them to find their way within the story. I told this story with the hopes that I could both entertain and inform students of how best to survive any college experience. I found it to be the hardest practice when creating the actual video, I had never really created a professional production and this project changed my relationship with the care and consideration I now know I have to take when factoring in for the creation of a video.
By the third project, my relationship with telling narratives on various medias had once again evolved. Creating a podcast was by far no easy task, I found myself struggling with the actual recording of the production. I could not get myself to assert the right type of voice that enabled me to bring the message of the podcast across. I was however able to find my strength in leading in the area of the collaborative aspect of the project. This fortified my relationship with this project and the medium because I was able to assert myself in the relationship of what I was essentially preaching. In the fourth project, there were many constraints thus seeing that I had never worked with HTML in such a long time however I was able to quickly remember and learn basics again to master the project I believe. I was able to create a story that was interactive and helped my audience to interact with the story and the characters. I utilized options of digital storytelling such as rabbit holes to enable my audience to follow the story and in the end make the story more successful. The last and final Twine project was a coming together of all the best practices which I learned through each media platform. I was able to take this last project and integrate the best storytelling aspects, along with interactive medias. This was the best experience within the class for me because I was able to assert the voice I learned to build across the other projects. I found the affordance of Twine itself to be incredibly easy after tackling the HTML project. My relationship across each medium became more and more fortified. I became accustomed with the idea that each medium had a different preexisting standard and I would have to conform to it. It was a great experience and I would enjoy part-taking in a creative process such as this again.