Beginning of Class Writing: Advertising 101

For today’s class, you read Megan L. Bruch, “Advertising 101,” Before we discuss this reading and how it relates to part of the technical writing that your team is doing on the upcoming documents, spend the first ten minutes of class writing a summary of the reading. Also, write some examples of your favorite advertising (print, web, TV) that communicate technical information. We will discuss these.

11 thoughts on “Beginning of Class Writing: Advertising 101

  1. Robert Smith

    To: Professor Jason Ellis

    From:Robert Smith


    Subject:Beginning of Class Writing: Advertising 101

    In the reading, Advertising 101, the different types of advertising techniques were discussed, as well as what they involved, and the results they usually produced after being used. Advertising is defined as an announcement made to a public to bring attention to a desirable characteristic of a product, and usually involves investment of time and money. The article discusses that advertising could be completed through newspaper, radio, magazines, television, mail, and the internet. The article continues to discuss that timing is also an important factor to sales. The article continues to state how advertisements should portray a consistent image, which would make it appealing to customers. Having attractive logo’s will build awareness of the products being sold as well, and draw attention to customers. The six point advertising strategy would help someone to develop an advertisement. They are: the primary purpose, the primary benefit, secondary benefit, target audience, audience reaction, and company personality. All in all, advertisement is necessary for businesses to get more customers, and very effective for a company’s overall marketing strategy. My favorite type of advertisement, if I really had to choose, would be those on the internet. Since most people use the internet, it’s really a good choice to broadcast it through this medium, since we are living in the age of technology. Though I find all advertisements annoying, I fully am aware of the reasons they are existent.

  2. George Gordon

    To: Jason W. Ellis
    From: George Gordon
    DATE: November 16th, 2015
    SUBJECT: “Advertising 101”

    The article “Advertising 101” by Megan L. Bruch discusses the topic of advertising and the different methods that come with it as opposed to marketing. You need to choose wisely as the the medium you choose will affect the demographic and audience, as well as, considering the placement and timing of the ad. Every type of media has its advantages and disadvantages whether it be internet, newspaper, television, or magazines. The article then brings up the six point advertising strategy which focuses on the purpose of the ad, customer benefits, target audiences and reactions, and the company personality. Finally, you must think of how you are purchasing your advertising and determine if the advertisement was effective or not by tracking sales before and after the ad or asking customers how they heard of the business.

  3. Naveeda Akhtar

    TO: Professor Jason Ellis

    FROM: Naveeda Akhtar

    DATE: November 16, 2015

    SUBJECT: Advertising 101

    “Advertising 101” by Megan L. Bruch describes advertising as a promotional strategy within a market plan for businesses. Advertising is a way of getting the attention of the people you want to sell a product or service to. Investing in advertising can help boost the reputation of the business greatly by drawing more people to the business. However, bad advertisement can develop a negative impact and can draw people away. Advertisements can be distributed through many forms of media such as newspapers, radio, magazines, television, direct mail, Internet, etc. Learning the advantages and disadvantages of each media, along with how the advertisement will be placed, as well as when and where, is extremely important in getting your message across. Making sure that whichever advertisement media chosen is directly related to its specific audience can also affect the end result. Advertisements should be made to appeal to the audience, and preparations should be made at least two months prior to when the advertisements will come out. There is a six-point advertising strategy which includes primary purpose, primary benefit, secondary benefit, target audience, audience reaction, and company personality.

    My favorite forms of advertisements that communicate technical information are print, web, and the TV. Advertisements in print are something that are very visual and can be hand-held and observed very closely for specific details. It might even be distributed for the audience to keep. It is also flexible in its ad size and cost, while also being very accessible and timely. The web and TV are also very visual and can be used 24/7. They target certain types of viewers and the audience can access them at their discretion. It is also cost effective and can be very interactive.

  4. Mereoni

    To: Professor Jason Ellis
    From: Mereoni Rabukawaqa
    Date: 16 November 2015
    Subject: Advertising 101

    This readings introduction to advertising touched on the basics of advertising, answering the questions of what it is, how to develop and then use it effectively and the pros and cons of different forms of advertising media. Bruch defines advertising as “an announcement” that serves the purpose of “[calling] attention to the desirable characteristics of a product or service.” Advertisements do require an investment of time and money but when done well, can give a greater return. One of the most important things to consider is who the target audience is. This helps you then answer questions such as which media type best reaches your target audience and once you’ve isolated that, where within that media type should you advertise? For example, if radio is the chosen media type, what station would they be most likely to listen and at what time of the day? Or if newspapers/print is your chosen media type, what section would your target audience be most likely to read? Something to remember is that advertising is often a “get what you pay for” business and while it may seem like a bargain to pay for the minimum, it may not always be effective enough to be worth it. Media agencies make money off producers paying for an advertising space/spot and the producers make money off consumerist audiences. Once an advertisement is up, it doesn’t mean that the job is done. It is very important for producers to gauge how effective their advertising is. This can be done by observing sales from before and after their ads have gone up and/or judging what are the most effective points of their advertisement by asking new customers how they heard of their product. When done right, advertising can be a useful and effective tool to help further your business.

  5. ThaerT

    The article talks about advertisement: what it is, developing it, purchasing it, and evaluating its effectiveness. Advertisement is a tool used to call peoples attention to something, much like propaganda. Its used through various mediums such as newspapers, radios, magazines, televisions, etc. When developing an advertisement the key is to keep in mind the image the business is trying to portray. Using images is essential in order for an ad to appeal to an audience. The articles mentions the six point advertising strategy, which is a list of points important to remember when developing an advertisement. These points are primary purpose, primary benefit, secondary benefit, target audience, audience reaction, and company personality. Also, be sure to watch out for grammar and spelling errors.
    The article mentions that advertisement is “a get what you pay for business.” Media agencies are a business, and they earn their revenue through selling advertisement space. Advertisers and media agencies are essential to each other for successful business. The final necessity for effective advertisement is evaluation. Evaluation is important in order to be sure your ad meets its purpose and to be sure you have chosen the correct outlook to place your advertisement in. Evaluation used on an advertisement can be beneficial for future advertisement campaigns.

  6. ThaerT

    TO: Professor Jason Ellis

    FROM: Thaer Tayeh

    DATE: November 16, 2015

    SUBJECT: Advertising 101

    The article talks about advertisement: what it is, developing it, purchasing it, and evaluating its effectiveness. Advertisement is a tool used to call peoples attention to something, much like propaganda. Its used through various mediums such as newspapers, radios, magazines, televisions, etc. When developing an advertisement the key is to keep in mind the image the business is trying to portray. Using images is essential in order for an ad to appeal to an audience. The articles mentions the six point advertising strategy, which is a list of points important to remember when developing an advertisement. These points are primary purpose, primary benefit, secondary benefit, target audience, audience reaction, and company personality. Also, be sure to watch out for grammar and spelling errors.
    The article mentions that advertisement is “a get what you pay for business.” Media agencies are a business, and they earn their revenue through selling advertisement space. Advertisers and media agencies are essential to each other for successful business. The final necessity for effective advertisement is evaluation. Evaluation is important in order to be sure your ad meets its purpose and to be sure you have chosen the correct outlook to place your advertisement in. Evaluation used on an advertisement can be beneficial for future advertisement campaigns.

  7. simone216

    TO: Dr. Jason Ellis
    FROM: Anika Aarons
    SUBJECT: Advertising 101
    DATE: November 16, 2015

    The article “Advertising 101” by Megan L. Bruch discuses all the aspects and concepts surrounding Advertising. Bruch defines advertising as a promotional strategy presented through a media within a marketing plan. Furthering going on to explain that although advertising is best advertised through media such as via internet, newspapers, television, magazines, etc., there are many advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of advertising media is the rapid exposure that it delivers to large audiences, and disadvantages such clutter, cost purposes, and lack of repetition etc. The purpose of developing advertising should always consists of the following six strategies such as primary purpose, primary benefit, secondary benefit, your target audience, the audience reaction, and lastly the company personality. My particular favorite advertisement that communicates technical information are all of the apple commercials on television, mainly because it uses so much colorful graphics, catchy themes, and creative effects and images.

  8. valentina

    TO: Dr. Jason Ellis

    FROM: Valentina Pineda

    DATE: November 16, 2015

    SUBJECT: “Advertising 101” summary

    This article introduces the idea of advertisement to Entrepreneurs. Advertising is always thought of being the same as marketing, but as it explained in the article it is only one of the many promotional components of a marketing plan. There are different options of media in which a company can advertise their product these vary from television to magazines and the radio. choosing your type of media is an important task as you have to target a specific audience that would be interested in your product. The time and medium that are chosen have to be strategically planned out for optimal results. Designing and developing your advertisement is also an important task because as stated above you need to create something appealing to your specific audience. My favorite advertisements for technical writing would be the paper I like to read different styles of writing on the same topic.

  9. Ryan

    TO:Dr Jason Ellis
    FROM: Ryan Doherty
    DATE: 11/16/2015

    Subject: Advertising 101

    Advertising is an announcement made to the public detailing the positive features of the your product. When used correctly it will bring up the sales of the product, if not sales will fall and the company will gain a bad reputation. Advertising can be use in almost every type of media, newspapers, television, mail, internet, signs and billboards. Each type of media has its pros and con, and they all cater to different audiences. After choosing the type of media next you have to choose a specific media outlets. When picking the outlet take into consideration the the reach of the publication and the time and/or placement of the ad. When developing an ad the message should be appealing to the target audience while keeping with the company’s image. It’s necessary to maintain professionalism to avoid backlash. The article is very relevant for the brochure part of the project and gives a solid guide on what to take into consideration when making it.

  10. Christopher Navarrete

    TO: Jason W. Ellis
    FROM: Christopher Navarrete
    DATE: November 16, 2015
    SUBJECT: “Advertising 101”

    Megan L. Bruch, a marketing specialist for the center for profitable agriculture discusses the fundamentals of advertising in her document “Advertising 101.” First, Bruch defines advertising as an “announcement made to the public to call attention to the desirable characteristics of a product or service.”

    These advertisements, or ads, are displayed through various types of mediums, such as newspapers, radio, television, and magazines. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages. For example, although having an ad in the newspaper cost less compared to other mediums, it lacks a certain “movement and sound” (Bruch) that an ad in the television may have.

    Once the type of medium has been decided, it is important to consider the audience and depending on what was chosen, the time. Is the target audience children or adults? If it is the former, perhaps the best time to display the ad is four o’clock.

    Afterwards, an evaluation of the advertisement must be conducted in order to study the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the chosen media type. According to Bruch, advertisements can be evaluated by simply asking new customers how they heard of the business the advertisement is announcing, and viewing the total sales and average sales per customer during and after the advertisement has been placed.

    My favorite type of advertising would have be those that are shown on T.V. Although I hardly watch T.V now, I remember the most memorable and fun ones were cheesy and/or had a catchy tune and slogan. One advertisement many recall because of this is of a board game created in the 70’s named Crossfire. It had it’s own unique theme music and crazy visuals which made many who originally saw it remember it perfectly to this day.

  11. reazul20

    TO: Prof. Ellis
    FROM: Reazul Hassan
    SUBJECT: Advertising 101

    Advertising is the promotional aspect of a complete marketing. Advertising plays on the desirability of the service or item. If advertising is done properly it can generate sales and if done incorrectly it may cause negative feed back from the consumers. advertising can be done through many different means such as newspapers, magazines, TV, internet and etc. There are advantages and disadvantages in using all these media outlets.

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