Beginning of Class Writing: “Focused Job Seeking”

During the first ten minutes of class, write a summary memo (including the memo header) of today’s assigned reading: “Focused Job Seeking,” What are the main points that someone should take away from this reading? What are some of the best strategies suggested by the article for a focused job search? Remember to save your work elsewhere and then copy-and-paste it into a comment to this blog post.

11 thoughts on “Beginning of Class Writing: “Focused Job Seeking”

  1. George Gordon

    To: Jason W. Ellis
    From: George Gordon
    Date: September 21st, 2015
    Subject: Focused Jobseeking

    The first thing the article touches upon is focusing your search. They recommend avoiding the “shotgun approach,” which is to just send in a resume to hundreds of different jobs hoping to land one. Instead you should focus on the work you want to do and what you can do, as well as, making sure you do research into the company you apply for. It would be ideal to tailor your resume for each specific job you want. Networking is another topic they touch on, having a personal connection to an employer or someone who can help you get an interview is highly valuable. Talking to the hiring manager can also be beneficial, as if you make good impression, that can tip the scales in your favor.

  2. Naveeda Akhtar

    TO: Dr. Jason Ellis

    FROM: Naveeda Akhtar

    DATE: September 21, 2015

    SUBJECT: “Focused Job Seeking”:

    Some strategies for a focused job search include creating a personal evaluation for the goals you would like to pursue in that job. Also, you should apply to companies, not jobs, that you admire and would actually like to work for. Not just applying to hundreds of jobs and hoping that you would get a couple of interviews and maybe a job or two will come out of that. By applying to several jobs, you mostly lose interest in the jobs you apply to and might end up regretting that job if you do actually get it. Moreover, Dennis Vilorio also states in the article that the interview should flow smoothly as if it was an actual conversation and that for the interview, you should dress proper as well as be nice to all the staff that you see at that company. At the end of the interview, you should say thank you and also give a thank you note via email or written note.

  3. simone216

    TO: Prof. Jason Ellis
    FROM: Anika Aarons
    SUBJECT: Focused Job Seeking
    DATE: 09/21/2015

    The article Focused Job Seeking highlighted on the main points of what to do and not to do when applying for a job. Some of the best strategies this article provided for example was that applicants make an effort to do more than just submit and online application. Explaining that going through an actual person (Hiring Manager) rather than just online would increase their chances to stand out more than an online application. Also to revise your resume for each specific job, in which you are applying to. Another important issue this article emphasized on was the issue applicants have by allowing their social media to be public, allowing jobs easy access to information about the applicant. Suggesting that applicants should google their name before submitting applications, to see what comes up open to the public.

  4. Yamilex De La Rosa

    TO: Jason W. Ellis

    FROM: Yamilex De La Rosa

    DATE: 21 September 2015

    SUBJECT: Focused Job Seeking

    The internet made job seeking a little harder since “it is difficult to differentiate yourself online” so it’s easier to build your way up to the job you have set as your goal, by doing an internship, training, or starting at a lower position and having a personal contact makes is very helpful even if the person is an acquaintance it has a very big possibility to help you out when it comes to job seeking. Having good conversation allows the interview to flow smoothly and always prepare yourself for the questions the interviewer may ask. Always do your research on the company and always ask for detailed information in a respectful manner.

  5. Mereoni

    TO: Professor Jason Ellis
    FROM: Mereoni Rabukawaqa
    DATE: 21 September, 2015
    SUBJECT: Focused Job Seeking

    The main take-away that I got from this article is that preparation is key. In the initial job search, after deciding what career path you want to take, you must research the companies you wish to apply to. Later on to write an application letter and in preparation for the job interview you will need to get acquainted with their culture as well as their goals and the kind of work that will be expected of you in the specific job that you are applying for. One of the best strategies for focused job seeking is to apply to a few companies that you have researched well as opposed to hundreds that you have not. Another strategy is a reiteration of my main take-away which is to be prepared, i.e. know the job you’re applying for by researching the company culture, goals, and what is expected of you. The last main strategy is to develop and maintain a network within, not just the field, but also the company you want to work in.

  6. valentina

    TO: Dr. Jason Ellis

    FROM: Valentina Pineda

    DATE: September 21, 2015

    SUBJECT: “Focused Job Seeking” Summary

    The main idea for this reading is to guide a person on how to properly prepare themselves to effectively look for a job. The first main idea suggested was to evaluate yourself before beginning the job search. One should set their goals and determine the kind of job they want to be doing and how their particular skills would apply to getting this job. it is important to also to develop a professional network of people that would help you get jobs you would be interested in. This is important because as stated in the reading, organizations tend to hire people they trust or are referred to them by someone they trust. There is some advice on how to stand out from the many of applications that are submitted online, it is noted that the applicant should get in contact with the hiring manager and ask more in depth about the job. This will give you a chance to introduce yourself and the manager to remember your name. During an interview the job applicant should follow the same professional communication skills they used in their writing. The applicant should also be able to show how much they know about the position and the company. Also the applicant should thank the interviewer twice: once after the interview and they should also write a professional thank you letter afterwards. Lastly you should make sure you are not overconfident and overqualified when writing your applications because this shows the company that you’re beyond their job expectations and will not commit to stay in their company for long.

  7. ThaerT

    TO: Dr. Jason Ellis

    FROM: Thaer Tayeh

    DATE: September 21, 2015

    SUBJECT: “Focused Job Seeking” Summary

    This article stresses that when seeking employment focus on pursuing employment at a company rather than just a job and do research on the company prior to applying. Some points the article makes when seeking a job is do not limit your search to the Internet, rather go to a hiring manager to better your chances at obtaining employment. Avoid what the article calls the “shotgun approach” which is sending a resume to hundreds of different jobs in hopes of landing one.

    Know what you want to apply for, know what kind of companies you may want to start a career in and focus on them rather than a general job search. The article also mentions the importance of networking and that making connections can help you get an interview at the least. The article makes some good points on the interview process as well such as dress appropriately and allowing the interview to flow as a conversation. Lastly, at the end of the interview be sure to thank your interview as well as sending them a thank you letter or email. Doing this will show them you are a decent individual as well as keep you in their mind.

  8. tbissoondial

    To: Jason W. Ellis
    From: Tajram Bissoondial
    Date: September 21st, 2015
    Subject: Focused Job Seeking

    From reading this article i have learned a few tips and tricks on how to land a job. The article explains the “Shotgun Approach” by sending out one cover letter and resume to a mass of jobs, and only getting a response back from a few for a interview and maybe one will call you back for a followup. Instead focus on compainies that you wish for and do thorough research on those specific companies. By focusing on certain companies you can tailor different cover letters and adjust your resume to suit that specific employment also catch the eye of the employer that is reviewing your resume. Along with a specific resume, you should know the company aspects, values, and culture before going into the interview. At the interview you should show the hiring manager the skills you have and how they can benefit the company. Along with research its good to create a network revolving around the company, a way to do this is by showing up to open events they have, seminars, or even ask if there is a volunteer/ internship available for the company and work your way up.

  9. Albert H

    TO: Jason W. Ellis
    FROM: Albert Hemmings
    DATE: September 20, 2015
    SUBJECT: Focused Jobseeking

    There was plenty of important information to take from this article this week on ways to help to focus job seeking and help improve your ability to taking interviews. Some main focuses areas were, job readiness for your job search, Applying for your job, how to overcome your interview. For job readiness, before you start your job hunt take the time to evaluate yourself, try to stay away from large, national job board, and instead of 100, focus on 5 companies that you would love to work for. In applying for jobs, develop a network, and speak to the hiring manager whenever possible. To overcome an interview, treat it like a planned conversation. Have all your answers ready for questions you know they will or would ask you.

  10. Yulduz Saidinova

    TO: Dr. Jason W. Ellis

    FROM: Yulduz Saidinova

    DATE: September 21, 2015

    SUBJECT: “Focused Job Seeking”

    Some of the main points are from “Focused Job Seeking” article was that how to seek for a job. For example we can find variety of websites in internet that job listings are posted daily. But we have to apply for companies that we really want to work, not for hundreds of jobs. We have to avoid “shotgun approach”. We have to choose and decide where exactly we want to work. Also we should develop a network. Sometimes having a personal contact inside the company that you trying to apply for a job is very helpful. Also talking or emailing to a manager can be very beneficial. Because you may leave great impression and it shows that you really want to get the job. Also after interview thank you letter can get hiring manager’s attention. Overall this article helped me how to seek for a job, and how we should act in order to get the job.

  11. Christopher Navarrete

    TO: Jason W. Ellis

    FROM: Christopher Navarrete

    DATE: September 26, 2015

    SUBJECT: Focused Job Seeking

    This reading names several strategies that will help obtain a focused job search. Two key strategies that are discussed include developing a network, and using online resources. Developing a network is arguably one of the most important parts of a focused job search as companies prefer to hire individuals who are referred to by someone they trust. Exclusive insight may also be gained from those who have these connections as well. This includes the company’s work culture and history among others. Experts suggest that the best time to begin developing a network is now; this can be achieved by “attending industry events, training classes, and seminars… Even something as casual as a meeting over coffee can help a jobseeker develop connections.”

    Using online resources is also an important step in obtaining a focused job search as it will help in acquiring information about certain organizations. Since information about companies are usually online, “[e]mployers expect a jobseeker to know who they are, what they do, where they operate, and how they compare with others in the industry.” Resources can include newspapers, blogs, and articles.

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