Monthly Archives: April 2015

Reading: John Medina’s Brain Rules, Music

For today’s class, you read John Medina’s Brain Rules, Music. Spend the first ten minutes summarizing your reading in your notebook, and write about the importance (or lack of importance) music plays in your life. Remember to type up your response and post it as a comment to this blog entry before our next class.

Reading: Jonathan Gottschall’s The Storytelling Animal, Life Stories

During the first ten minutes of class, write a summary of your reading of Jonathan Gottschall’s The Storytelling Animal, Life Stories. Also, think about what we’ve discussed regarding how the brain fills in the gaps when something is missing. According to Medina and Gottschall, our brain does this with our memories, too. Have you had an experience where your memory or recollection of yourself or something that you have done did not match what others remember? Borrowing from Gottschall, have you experienced a time when we might not be the heroes we think we are in our own epics?

Readings: Gottschall and Medina

Welcome back from spring recess!

Now, let’s get back to work and complete the semester with a strong finish.

During the first fifteen minutes, write summaries of the two readings that we had for today’s class: Jonathan Gottschall’s The Storytelling Animal, The Moral of the Story, and John Medina’s Brain Rules, Sensory Integration. To get us back on track with the readings, spend about seven minutes on each reading. I will let you know when seven minutes have passed. After you have written your summaries in your notebooks, type them up and post them as a single comment to this blog post (one comment will include both summaries).