Writing My Brain Project by Lorena Batista


In this project are reflected all my thoughts and feelings. I collected and wrote them down to express in words what is in my mind every hour of the day. In addition, I expressed them visually in photos, to represent them even better. I used all the thoughts that I focus the most in my present and the ones I want to keep thinking in the future to be a better person. My audience will be able to understand my way of viewing life. Also, I imagined myself five years from now, and wrote about  the things that I would recommend to my present self to think about and focus on to be able to acquire the things I have always wanted. I imagined the things I consider that I will capable of understand in my future and recommended them to my present self. This project helped me to analyze myself and observe deeper the things I should keep thinking and the ones I have to focus on to get all the goals I want to achieve in life.

Thinking in Writing

After writing about my thoughts I have noticed that since I wake until I go to sleep I have different thoughts on my day that  sometimes do not have nothing on common, but they have their own reason and objective in my life. I think about everything, I am the kind of person that analyzes everything around me.

It is Saturday morning, right now all that comes to my mind is the importance of being happy in life because it does not matter the things you have or what you want to have is what you feel and the people that surround you every day that matters. I am not trying to consider myself a philosopher but I think too much about life and why do things happen. Also, my days are based on thinking what I need to do every hour of the day, I am trying to be more organized than I was yesterday, I do my best to keep in mind a “to do list” for the day. Having a moment on your day to do nothing and think about everything is one of the best therapies ever.

Last week, my grandmother had a big surgery and my youngest nephew was born in the same day, so these days I have been thinking a lot about them. I just think that is ironic that some people are very sick and trying not to die while others were born just a second ago with thousands of opportunities to make a difference in this world, trying to adapt and do the things right. Who wouldn’t like to go back in time and do the things better? Well, I do, but those things that I have been through in life made me what I am and I do not want to change the experience I got.

It is my first semester in college, at this moment most of my thoughts are about studying, doing homework and organizing everything for the next day. Every day, I think a lot about school because I want to do my best to be the person I visualize in my mind; someone that enjoys and possesses good knowledge of what is doing to have the ability to help the people.

As many of the New Yorkers, most of the times I have to take the public transportation, I hate it and love it at the same time because it is the only place you can see all kind of people from different countries, religion and personality and it gives you the opportunity to indirectly interact with everybody. It is funny how everybody has their own world and because life is so stressful and busy, nowadays, we do not even smile to each other or say hello and bye. Other thing I do not stop thinking about is my country because I miss a lot my family and friends, I am homesick and knowing that I will see them soon is what gives me strength to keep going and do not give up.

I could sum up my thoughts in one sentence; “Try to be happy every day of your life”. What I recommend people to do is that when they go to bed at night, analyzes everything they like and dislike of their lives, and if there is something they do not like or is not making them happy, try to change it because life is too short and there is no second opportunities. That is what I try to keep as my “everyday goal”.

Thinking Visually

In this picture, I want to represent one of the most important things in life, “Happiness”. It does not matter the things you have in life, is what you have inside of you and the people that surround you that matters.

I think that is ironic that some people are very sick and trying not to die while others were born just a second ago with thousands of opportunities to make a difference in this world and try to do the things right. That is what I wanted to represent in this picture because I use to think a lot about it.

At this moment most of my thoughts are about studying, doing homework and organizing everything for the next day. As many of you, I think a lot about school because I want to do the things right.

I always recommend people that when they go to bed at night, analyze everything they like and dislike of their lives, and if there is something they do not like or is not making them happy, try to change it because life is too short and there is no second opportunities. This is something I want to keep thinking in the future.

God is above everything in my life, I learned to love him when I was just a little girl and I want to focus my thinking in the future in the blessing of having this feeling inside of me.

In this picture I want to represent my biggest goal right know, improve my English more and more every day. It is going to be hard but I will get it because I am doing my best to get it.

Thinking Reflectively

It is amazing to see that I have become a new person. I have changed for better because I am older now, I am also more mature and I have a better capacity to choose my decisions and be able to have my own personality.  I owe all those things to all the experience I have because exactly 5 years ago my life changed forever, but that is a long story. At this moment I prefer to introduce myself. My name is Lorena Batista and this is my life in 2020. I have always wished to be successful, be able to do what I want and be next to the people that I love the most. As most people, I have worked very hard to become a good professional. Right now, I am a very good psychologist and I just started my Masters in Psychotherapy. I think that choosing this major 5 years ago was a great decision because at this moment, I am able to help the people and I have the privilege of doing what I enjoy in life. I will not feel bored at work the rest of my life. I always thank the people that have worried about me and for sharing this inner happiness with me because even though I have been through a lot the last years of my life, I have obtained this blessing with the people that surround me every day.

To obtain all this in my life I had to change the way I used to see the things. I understood that in order to achieve my goals I would have to work harder and walk away from the things and people that do not bring anything good to my life. We have to work hard for the things we want in life because that is the only way to change the things that do not make us happy. Nowadays, being a successful person might be the dream for most of the people in this world. Regardless of the nationality, religion or social status, everybody wants to do something different and succeed. Our society is becoming very competitive and the youth is receiving more pressure every day. As a young person, it is my responsibility to have clear goals and run all the way to them because without effort I will not get anything g good in life. I have kept this as my everyday philosophy “You better work hard to get the things you want to achieve in your life”. Believe it or not, having that in mind has helped me to succeed in life and never give up. Nobody said that it would be easy but it will be worth it.  I consider myself a warrior because I always fight to get what I want, and by that, I mean that I always do everything I can to get what I want. Good things are not always easy to get. What kept me strong those hard days, when I used to be at college with my family far away from me, was to see my goals come true and be the person I have always visualized in my dreams.

Sometimes I remember the things I have done and the decisions I have made and try not to regret for the things I did not do. You have to do what your heart tells you to do because life is too short to do not do something because you are afraid of taking risks. I am very proud of myself but sometimes I think that if I would have taken more risks when I was younger, now I would be stronger now. That is something I cannot forget because it has guided me to become a better person. I wish I could go back in time, tell this to my past self, and change the way I used to see life. Unfortunately, that is not possible so I prefer to practice that new knowledge from now on because it is never too late.

I am satisfied with the things I have achieved and the fact that I learned to be happy. I used to feel very alone but now I am able to say “I am happy”. I want to keep going and be more successful and I am going to work hard to get it. If I had all this wisdom a few years ago, my life maybe would have been easier but lessons are hard to learn and from now on I want to be different,  and make better decisions so I will not regret anything in my future. Everyone has its own way of learning the things in life; also, every person has its own specific time in life to understand the key of happiness or success.