My Brain Project by Shen LeCheng


In this project, I reflected on my thoughts and planned how to think with a sharper focus going into the future. I spent a day on write down my thoughts. After writing down the thoughts, I asked myself what I want to focus on in the future. In order for me to have clear thoughts, I started to think what I will be doing in five years. Then I explained the steps on how to achieve what I have in five years.

Thinking in Writing

My thoughts of the day were mostly all about job and my family. I’ve been thinking what I should do with my life, job or focus in school. School was never my thing that’s why I want to look for a job. I always think how can I find something I enjoy doing and in the meantime make money and support my family. Well, there’s one thing I really want to do but my family never supported me. I want to become a Professional Sports Player, but this sport is different from the normal sports. It is more like an online sport, such as playing games tournament. It might sound silly, but each tournament is two million dollar in USD. In overall, most of the thoughts are about how to become successful in life.

Thinking Visually
I skip breakfast most of the time due to morning classes. When I don’t eat my brain function really slow and I get really sleepy. It leads to thinking about food because of starvation.
I probably think about money the most because everything is about the money. For examples; buying supplies, food, and etc. Nowadays, everything became so expensive. So I have to think of a way to earn money.
Biking is my favorite exercise, I go biking every day depending on the weather. Whenever I get frustrated with school, it leads me to think about my bike. Biking is what I do whenever I’m frustrated because it empties my mind.
I hate school work, but I have to do it. Sometimes it makes me frustrated because some of the work it’s about learning it yourself and some of the work is hard to understand. It makes me worry every day. as
Career is one of the things I think about the most beside money. I always wanted to become a League of Legend Esport Player. To become a professional player I have to think about how I can achieve that goal. a
I think I should focus my thinking on school. School is all about education and that’s what I need the most right now because I believe will help me become successful.

Thinking Reflectively


My name is Shen. I am currently a League of Legend player for the Esport. Esport is known as Electronic Sports, is a term for organized multiplayer video game competitions. This job is not as simple as it seen. For players, bringing entertainment and excitement to the audience is a must but our main goal is to win the World Final. The reason I said this job is not as simple as it seen is because players can get eliminated in any minutes and their hard working efforts will go waste. We have to practice constantly every day to improve our skills in order for us to keep our current position. I’ve been living with my teammates ever since I joined the team which was two years ago. At this moment, I am going to tell myself from the past what I should do in order to achieve what I have now. There will be many obstacles in your path but as long as you have ambitions and dedication you will achieve your goal. You should focus on the things that can guide you to success, such as education, practices constantly, and most importantly is to have a positive mind all the time.

Nowadays, most people know about the League of Legend tournament. You can hear people talk about it everywhere you go because it became like a sport. Playing League of Legend is like playing an NBA game or Football game while millions of people watch you perform. Going into this path won’t be easy, it is like picking one in a million. In order to be the one, you have to work much harder than other people to get the opportunity. The first thing you need to focus is Education. In other words, college is what you need because it will help you become a professional League of Legend player. Some colleges have this program called North American Collegiate Championship (NACC). NACC is a program where it gives college students an opportunity to qualify for North American Collegiate Championships. Not all colleges have the Program NACC, mostly the good colleges. To get into a good college, you will need to study hard and have a good GPA so you can get into one. After you get into a good college, you will get the opportunity to become a professional League of Legend player and it will guide you to success.

After becoming a professional League of Legend player and having a team, that’s where things get serious because their career is on the line. It turned into a battlefield from a playground. If the players get eliminated, it means their career is in danger. Therefore, this turned into a battlefield. Also, if players get eliminated from the tournament, all their efforts and time will be wasted because Championship Final is once a year. To prevent from getting eliminated, you need to practice at least eight hours per day. It will improve your individual skills, develop good communication with teammates. Another thing is learning from your mistakes. For example; un-cooperating with teammates, miscommunicating and making bad decisions. However, admit wrong and learn from the mistakes will help you develop wisdom, sense to make good decisions and gain experience. By gaining experiences, it will help you expand your skill level and develop a unique play style.

Last is to have a positive mind. Having a positive mind can be good for your mind and body. People who are positive thinkers tend to have a healthier body, less stressed, and more likely to become successful than the negative ones. I know walking down this path is full of struggles but in the end it will be worth it. Victor Kiam once said “Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward.” I believe this quote means that you shouldn’t give up no matter how hard life gets and be strong. When things get too hard, just take a break and think on the bright side because negativity will not help you achieve your goal. If you turn your thoughts from the negative ones into positive, you will start to notice solutions and will understand that every problem is an opportunity to grow. I believe this will be the key to success if you can stay positive.

As you can see, those are the few things I focused on before I was a Professional game. It helped me accomplished what I wanted. However, I deeply hope that you can do the same as me. Without you, I would’ve ended up doing something else in my life. I believe if you focus on those few things like I did, you will become successful. One thing I can promise you is that you will not regret it in the future. In fact, you will be thankful that you choose this path because not everyone get to have a career that they desired. Last thing I want you to remember is that nothing is easy. You have to keep pushing yourself to exceed your own limits and work for the thing you want to achieve.