Salt Painting #10

Credit: Ebony Derrick (me)

This week I’m teaching the kids an experimental DIY activity that they can also do from home. I’m teaching them how to do salt paintings. My students on Monday were extremely excited to work on the project after showing them how to do them and some examples. At first, the students didn’t know what designs to make so I helped them create designs that also represented who they were or what they liked. After they had ideas of what to do, they created 5 designs each and were excited to show their parents what they created. The featured image is a design that one of my students created on Monday, I was very pleased to see that the students were inspired to do more designs since there was some science involved in the activity. Each student created between three to five designs. I still have other classes that will also be working on this project and I’m excited to see what they create. 

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