Due Date: May 17


Put together a portfolio that includes your Final Reflection and final versions of major assignments (Units 1, 2, 3).

Note: You may choose to revise one of your major assignments. If you do revise, please tell me clearly in your reflection which assignment you have revised. If you choose to revise a piece, include a short paragraph in the final reflection explaining the changes you’ve made and why. If you do not refer to your revision in the reflection, the original grade will remain the same.

Putting the portfolio together:

When you save and submit your Final Portfolio, you must follow the instructions exactly.

  • Create a post, title it Full Name, Final Portfolio, and save it under the category Final Portfolio Work.
  • Upload your Final Reflection and each of your Major Writing Assignments to this post.
  • Each file must be a separate file, and saved as a PDF (except for the Unit 3 Writing Assignment if it’s a video or podcast presentation).
  • U1, U2, and U3 must be the ORIGINAL version you turned in earlier in the semester for evaluation.
  • UX is whichever Unit Writing Assignment you’ve decided to revise for a higher grade. You can only revise ONE.
  • You must turn in the new and improved UX as 5_Student Name, UX Optional Revision. (Replace the X with whichever Unit you are revising.)

If you need a reminder of how to save a Word or Google Doc to a PDF and post it on OpenLab, refer to the instructions at the end of this document.

When naming the files, title them as follows:

1_Student Name, Final Reflection

2_Student Name, U1 Writing Assignment (original)

3_Student Name, U2 Writing Assignment (original)

4_Student Name, U3 Writing Assignment (original)

5_Student Name, UX Optional Revision (revision)

Evaluation of Final Portfolio

There are points possible for the Final Portfolio. The Final Reflection will be evaluated like a Major Writing Assignment. The criteria for the Final Reflection are listed below.

Your evaluated U1, U2, and U3 Writing Assignments need to be present to earn points. If any of them are missing, those points will be deducted from the overall score. If the Portfolio is not submitted by the due date, 250 points will be deducted from your final grade. (This is worth 10% of your final grade.)

Final Reflection (100 points)

  • is thoughtfully written and has a point– it’s not simply a list answering the questions posted on the Final Reflection assignment page.
  • uses language, grammar, and sentence structure that makes your meaning clear.
  • includes details and examples that illustrate your experiences in the course.
  • has been proofread.
  • is approximately 600-650 words.
  • is submitted on time.

U1 Writing Assignment (if present, you earn 50 points)

U2 Writing Assignment (if present, you earn 50 points)

U3 Writing Assignment (if present, you earn 50 points)

UX Optional Revision (Your original grade will be revised–this will not affect your Final Portfolio grade.) 

If you have turned in a UX Optional Revision, I will evaluate your revision on the following items:

  • there are obvious changes when I compare your evaluated project to your Optional Revision (be sure to mention these changes in your Final Reflection, otherwise, the original grade will remain)
  • clear communication of ideas (the assignment is easily understood)
  • following the constraints of the writing assignment (correct formatting, organization, sufficient word count)
  • appearance of document (assignment is proofread, document formatted correctly)

Here are instructions on how to save your Word or Google Docs to PDF and upload your Final Portfolio on OpenLab:

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