Category Archives: Reflection on Team Principles

Happiness Reflection – Team A

In today’s society the principles we feel that require more emphasis are:

  • Increased cultural diversity– This is important because in any community or neighborhood unity is essential.
  • Highly populated/Main street – to guide people through the community and encourage activity around public spaces.
  • More green spaces – Appeals to the people and gives a sense of life to the community.

Team Reflection_FD3

1. Scale

2. High Density

3. Accessibility


5. Environmental Health

* Farhana, Dominic, Danny, Daniel  *


1. Scale

-Liveable, reasonable living spaces, solar access (sky exposure plane)

2. High Density

-Efficient use/organization of space, liveable, “good” relationship with commercial/residential/public spaces

3. Accessibility

4. Resiliency

-In regard to both Human and Environmental factors.

Human – Adaptability (ease of) to the environment/surroundings.

Environment – Flooding, Self-sustaining, resistance to weathering/human factor

5. Environmental Health

-In regard to both Human and Environmental factors.

Human- Access to fresh air, food, water, green space, sunlight, social interaction, safety/security

Environment- Sustainable building practices, clean energy,

‘Happy City’- Team Reflection

  1. Transportation – how to attract people to the site?

Happiness: Making the site a center for social interactions. The Journey of arriving to the site, for an new experience.

2.  To attract early families and young adult to live at the site.

Happiness: Making the site safe, having comfort and promote a healthy communities and families.

3.  Analyze and understand circulation and hierarchy of importance and relationships of uses.

Happiness: fulfill the peoples needs. Trying not to make things hard to get to and allowing the people to become self-sufficient.

4.  Easy circulation throughout the site for bicycles, cars and pedestrians


5.  Incorporating existing neighborhoods and buildings

6.  Keep the style and feel of Brooklyn and try not to modernize too much.

7.  Flood resilience and Storm awareness

8.  Provide a right ratio of commercial and public area with residential


Eliza Baraggan, Walkiria Cabrera, Isaias Garcia and Jennifer Valerio

Happy City Team Reflection


This is a critical item that will be guiding our design mainly because the site is on a waterfront and will be the first to sustain damage from incoming storms.

The population will know they are safe which will give them a sense of security thus making them happy.


The goal is to easily guide the inhabitants of our site through the created paths in the neighborhood by creating tighter shorter streets and encouraging bicycles usage and implementing a main road though the site.

The population will be more interactive and usage of bicycles and accessible walking paths will make the population healthier through daily exercise.

Green Spaces

we will be adding public green spaces and private green spaces to improve irrigation throughout the site.

This will allow for more clean breathable air, through recycling dirty air from the city to make it clean for the inhabitants.

Multi-Use buildings

A mix of usage in buildings to add variety and add to the neighborhood’s infrastructure.

The population will feel they have control over the neighborhood or community by implementing little family owned stores, and bringing people together.


Green roofs, reduced run off and water usage, improve irrigation, add sustainable practices.

Decreasing waste through constant recycling of food, energy and water for irrigation. Implementing affordable materials through the construction of the neighborhood to reduce living cost.

Gathering Space

Add Squares, Parks, community center, library art galleries and shops.

Make sure the community interacts with each other by implementing gathering space to welcome neighborhoods in the community to encourage the feeling of safety and togetherness. 

Hadiza D.  Horacio M.  Manu S.  Yuhui O.

Team A – Updated Principles

Old Principles

1. Energy efficient neighborhoods (Solar Panels, Wind Turbines)                    2. Green Roofs                                                                                                          3. Water Front Accessibility                                                                                    4. Easy flow circulation                                                                                            5. Resilience to flood                                                                                               6. Bioswales

New Principles

1) Resilience

(Human aspect) –  Creating a safe environment

(Architectural aspect) – Ability to accept and recover from floods.

2) Increased Interaction – Reducing the cultural barriers between races and increasing the socialization between all races.

3) Welcoming water into the site. – To increase the relationship between people and nature.

4) Easy Circulation – To create a free living environment. (Less cars, more walkways, more bikes.)

5) Energy Efficiency – (Bioswales, Green Roofs, Solar Panels.)