Team Reflection_FD3

1. Scale

2. High Density

3. Accessibility


5. Environmental Health

*Ā Farhana, Dominic, Danny, DanielĀ  *


1. Scale

-Liveable, reasonable living spaces, solar access (sky exposure plane)

2. High Density

-Efficient use/organization of space, liveable, “good” relationship with commercial/residential/public spaces

3. Accessibility

4. Resiliency

-In regard to both Human and Environmental factors.

Human – Adaptability (ease of) to the environment/surroundings.

Environment – Flooding, Self-sustaining, resistance to weathering/human factor

5. Environmental Health

-In regard to both Human and Environmental factors.

Human- Access to fresh air, food, water, green space, sunlight, social interaction, safety/security

Environment- Sustainable building practices, clean energy,

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