Developed by First Year Programs

Reflection #3

Think about a time when you joined a new group activity (maybe a team, religious retreat, club, or workplace). 

  • How did you feel when you first joined? 
  • Do you recall a moment when you felt like you were part of the group? 
  • What benefits did you get from participation in the group?
  • What can you do to help yourself feel like part of a group at City Tech? 


  1. Ayisha Ayub

    In high school, I joined the dance team and it was my first in-person year, so I was very nervous. During tryouts, we did lots of freestyle dancing, however, I didn’t do any dancing I just sat back and observed. The teacher in charge noticed this, and she asked me if I would like to dance with the student organizers a bit and it felt very welcoming. I was surrounded by many older kids, who took the team very seriously and I realized the importance of commitment. Showing up every week taught me that I can schedule different activities within my week. Taking the leap to join an organization/class chat and talking with people is really all you need to build a community.

    • Puneet

      Thats actually a really helpful skill and thats pretty cool you joined a dancing team. I use to go to other schools to watch the competitions. I would’ve never guessed people gain those skills through that.

    • Quebert Williams

      That’s nice of the teacher to include you and make you feel comfortable. Sometimes we just need someone to be there for us to make us feel apart of the group so we don’t feel awkward and out of place.

  2. Quebert Williams

    Few years ago I joined a soccer team and at first I was nervous but I still participated in the exercises. The moment I felt like I was apart of the group was when they would have little tournament matches every weekend and they would go out the way to contact my parents to tell them to bring me to these tournaments to participate. I benefited from this soccer team as I got opportunities to travel to many different Caribbean islands to compete for my country. These opportunities opened me up to many different cultures and new sceneries in the Caribbean. To help myself feel part of a group at city tech I must first find people who has the same like minded mindset as I do and interests as I do and become friends with these people.

    • Ayisha Ayub

      I think it’s so cool that you got to travel with your team. Being on a team can be a helpful experience with building skills.

  3. Puneet

    In High school I joined a cultural group to help out and at first it was very awkward because they weren’t even part of my culture but i still wanted to help. But they were welcoming and after time i got used to it and helping them became easy. Being part of that group made me more social and open. Which is a part of how i want to be more social at city tech and maybe try and join clubs. Not too sure now but maybe something that interest me.

    • Azizjon

      i think joining a club sounds fun and it will help to get to know people from city tech i also might join a club

    • Uliana Dziuba

      It is very important in life to help others and to be social. A person, who helps other people, no matter in which area, in general, becomes more good things in life as opposed to someone who does not help.

  4. Azizjon

    I first felt nervous and worried but then when I started to do group activates and talked to my classmates, they were chill and fun and I learned a lot about them and you can talk to other people and get to know them to feel part of a group at city tech or even join a club

  5. Uliana Dziuba

    In school, I was going to a dance course.

    For the first time, It was a little awkward with other members of the group. 

    Later, before the competition, I began to feel comfortable, as a part of the team.

    I was one of the best dance members and after the victory, I got more opportunities in this area

    • Uliana Dziuba

      At Citytech I feel myself as a part of the group.

      It is not necessary to do something. I just think about myself, what is my goal, and why I come here and do it.

    • Ayisha Ayub

      I had a similar experience the first time I joined a dance team and I love how it led you to more opportunities.

  6. Liyian Fung Zhen Mo

    I joined CPC when I was in high school. At first, I only participated in some organized games. Later, I attended a workshop and felt that it could help me. I often attended workshops that I was interested in. In addition, I often volunteered. I think it helped me understand where to get some resources. And I chose City Tech as my university because I visited it when I was still in CPC. I thought this university was good, so I applied for it when I applied for college later.

  7. Azeezat

    In high school i joined the dance group, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. I had always loved dancing, but being around others who seemed more experienced and confident made me a bit anxious. I was unsure if I would be able to keep up or fit in. There was a time we were rehearsing for a competition and I nailed a tricky move that I had been struggling with. The whole group cheered for me, and our instructor gave me a high-five. That moment made me feel like I was truly part of the team, and from then on, I felt more confident and connected with everyone.

    • Chelsea

      Its so nice that your group and your instructor cheered you on. Making new members feel comfortable and welcome is super important for building bonds with teammates.

  8. Chelsea

    In my junior year of high school, I joined the Lacrosse team. I felt nervous to join because I had transferred schools that year and I didn’t know anyone else on the team. I felt confident in my skills because I had years of experience in the sport, but I was nervous to be by myself. I remember feeling like I was part of the group on scrimmage day when my entire team went out for food after playing for hours. I benefit from talking to new people, meeting new friends in different grades, and through this, discovering new lacrosse opportunities across the city. I can feel like part of a group at CT by being myself and being open-minded. If I feel more comfortable and open to speaking with others, they might feel more comfortable coming up to me as well.

    • Yoselin

      I understand you completely because I was in a sort of situation when I joined soccer in highs school.

  9. Yoselin

    When I joined catholic school, it changed me completely as a person and my morals. When I joined I felt annoyed because I wasn’t a big God believer. However, as time went on I realized the God is great because I realized he will always protect my family and I and grew a massive respect and love for God. He does things for a reason and I learned to accept those decisions. I will help myself by being more confident and engaging with other if I ever want to join a group in city tech.

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