Developed by First Year Programs

Reflection #2

Read the following quote by Dr. Pamela Brown, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs:

Learning is a source of hope for a better future. It requires hard work and sacrifice which can be even more difficult in challenging times. Your time in college is also your opportunity to connect with others, lift your spirit, enrich your life, and develop the skills and knowledge to make a difference in your community.
— Dr. Pamela Brown, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Choose a question below and write a reflection in the comment box at the bottom of this page.

  • What life experiences have prepared me for college?
  • When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
  • How will I create positive academic habits for myself?

Read and comment on another student’s post. These are your classmates, encourage them to work towards their goals.


  1. Quebert Williams

    I done something called SBA’s which are done either as groups or individual to do research on whatever topic for different classes in high school.Typically when I face hardship I don’t give up easily I tend to look for other sources to overcome that hardship. I will begin making it a habit to study often after each class and do my homework and assignments early and not the day before the due date.

    • Uliana Dziuba

      It will be a very good habit of doing homework after each lesson and not delay until the last day.

      • Quebert Williams

        That’s a good idea..I plan on doing that from now on.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      This sounds like an excellent idea! I have to agree with Uliana, this strategy will help you do really well in your classes.

  2. Uliana Dziuba

    I can create a positive academic study for myself by organizing time in everyday life and also with my homework.

    With each credit I took this semester, I will study for 1 hour at home each week. It will be not possible to have any stressful situations in the future

    • Azizjon

      i agree with organizing time because i sometimes am too busy or forget to do my homework and instead of spending most my time playing games i could be doing my homework

    • Aneeza Hussain

      I think that this is a great plan Uliana!

  3. Azizjon

    high school has prepared me for college and when I’m faced with a difficult situation I talked to the teacher and went to tutoring if I need help with homework or just to study and i can create positive academic habits by studying every day for at least 1 hour and organizing time to do homework and personal stuff

    • Krishell S.

      That’s a good habit to pick up, I feel like that’s a good way to stay on top of school. Also, tutoring would be really helpful so you should look into that.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      I’m glad that you already have experience in handling difficult situations that will definitely help in college, when you are juggling multiple classes at once.

  4. Krishell S.

    I feel like high school has prepared me for college in a way. Even though my high school was different from others, it still helped me in some ways. When I’m faced with a difficult situation, I tend to ask someone close to me what they think about the problem and get their opinion so I can see the situation from an outsider’s view and then decide what I think is best. I can probably create a positive academic habit for myself by ensuring I get my homework on time, prioritizing school over things that aren’t as important, and maybe getting a tutor if I need it.

    • Puneet S

      Yea! I totally feel the same way, I encountered similar problems now in college that i faced in high school so it really didn’t shock me but help me plan better.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      Krishell, that is ONE of best methods to approach hard situations during your college journey.

  5. Puneet

    As weird as it sounds i feel like watching those college movies back when i was younger, the actual ones and not the funny 21 jump street type movies. Helped me prepare for things i might see at college so it wouldn’t be as weird of an experience. Also stories from my siblings and people who already went through college and gave me their tips also really helped me too to focus and plan what i want to do.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      Puneet, what might also help is speaking to you professors and making friends during classes. This will help with the transitioning to the college environment.

  6. Saqlain

    I had a lot of help from my high school to help me prepare for college, When i was in high school, I had so many questions as to what college is like, where i should go and etc, my teachers, college counselors were able to help me with everything. Before i was just scared to think what college would be like or it’s going to be very hard.

    • Israel Pompilus

      Gaining insight from those who have gone through the process already helped me too.

    • Chelsea

      My highschool also had a college office that answered questions and gave me advice on what to expect. I also asked my older siblings and friends about their experiences, they gave me harsh advice but it is honestly helping me adapt well.

    • Leslie

      I totally agree with you, facing something new is scary but there always a first time to everything, asking around for a better understanding of what college is required was a smart move!

  7. Israel Pompilus

    What prepared me was my band teacher being very loose with his instructions and demanding excellence, so it was up to me to make sure i get my stuff done. The goof academic environment I made for myself was locking my phone and game away till i completed a certain amount of school work.

    • Ayisha Ayub

      I agree that it’s completely up to us to carry out our responsibilities. I think getting rid of distractions is a very good habit and shows discipline.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      That’s an excellent skill to have as a college student, it will help you get your work done much faster and more efficiently.

  8. Refat

    Since I moved to USA recently, GED or high school diploma is the course that prepared me for my college.

    Whenever I face difficulties, the first thing I try to do is not to be freaked out. I try to cool down my head, understand what is being difficult for me and try to think all the possible ways by which I can overcome those difficulties. If I can’t think of any solution I can always ash people around me who might be able to help me out.

    By being consistent and attentive with my study & practicing this more and more I can create a good academic habits.

  9. Odalis Garcia-Tzul

    When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?

    When I face difficult situations instead of stressing myself out I try to find ways the solution can be resolved. Before anything, I try to reflet and figure out why I am in the difficult situation. I try to point out where I went wrong in a situation. Then I watch videos or ask google possible solutions. Sometimes this is all I need to resolve the solution. If that is not enough I ask for help. I ask for help and clarification from friends, family members, or representatives at offices. Throughout the process of trying to resolve the difficult situation I am in I try to always stop and take breaks. Sometimes I work myself up too much so taking a nap, snack break, or a walk can be refreshing and lead to me finally finding a solution.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      That is a great way to approach a difficult situation, Odalis! Since you mentioned “ask for help…from.. representatives at offices”, if the difficulty were on an assignment, perhaps the first person could be your professor to reach out for questions and clarifications. This might be a solution to your difficult situation. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Yoselin

    • How will I create positive academic habits for myself?

    I will create positive academic habits for myself by setting myself a mindset, “it will always be difficult at first but that difficulty will lead you to success.” This will help me grow the intellectual and critical capacity’s of mine. I will set myself a schedule to help me find a balance between my personal life and school life. I will try to manage my stress levels.

    • Ayisha Ayub

      I think that’s a great strategy. Organization is more important than we might think. I’m working on building a schedule myself.

    • Saqlain

      I agree with you when you say “It will always be be difficult at first but that difficultly will lead you ti success”, because things are not always going to go as you have planned, it takes time and your hardwork/focus to make things go your way, it definently requires patience and time management to make it go your way.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      That’s a good idea Yoselin, taking care of your self is very important!

    • Odalis Garcia-Tzul

      Hey Yoselin! I love your thinking “it will always be difficult at first but that difficulty will lead you to success”. I feel like people can be caught up in the moment of struggle and forget that those struggles are what makes us stronger and really do help us in the future.

  11. Ayisha Ayub

    Certain high school classes and teachers I had operated similarly to some of my professors and they gave lots of advice on how to approach doing work in college. In my high school, some AP courses were mandated for students to take and I didn’t know then that I had to put in effort outside the classroom to learn the topics. The teacher would go over them, but it was my responsibility to actually understand concepts and it’s something I need to be able to do in college. While I’m still figuring out how to study efficiently, I hope I can better myself academically.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      You will! As one spends time in college and realizes how well a student can polish themselves academically. I have faith that you can too

  12. Chelsea

    How will I create positive academic habits for myself?

    Ive been listing out all of my assignments, tests dates, and due dates for projects in my planner. Having my work planned out by date helps me break down my work load and find time for my hobbies outside of school. While I study, I can create a calm and peaceful work space, whether I sit in the library or at home. I usually block out distractions (putting my phone on do not disturb) and listen to music, which are habits that help me focus on my homework.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      Love that! The same method works for me too, as I always share my planner during CT101. I love using a planner, it helps me stay well-organized and on top of my work!

    • Raheem

      That’s a great method. Time management is key to staying organized, and planning out your time so you can study and have time for your hobbies as well.

  13. Liyian Fung Zhen Mo

    When I face difficulties, I will first think about how to solve it myself. If I can’t think of a solution, I will ask others how to solve it. Even if I have an idea, I will ask others how this method works and make a decision after listening to their opinions.

  14. Emanuelle

    In my life, doing rigorous work definitely taught me how to prepare for college work due to the amount of hard dedication I had to put in for a good outcome. I don’t really have a real study plan but I definitely want to learn what I can do to improve.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      I’m happy to hear that you have a growth mind set!

  15. Azeezat

    I struggle with a challenging math class. Rather than giving up, I sought out help from my teacher during office hours and formed study group with classmates. I also used online resources like video tutorials. This experience taughg me that seeking help and stay persistant are key strategies for overcoming challenges.

  16. Leslie

    A life experience that has prepared me for college is becoming more independent in my highschool choices and the cna class i was able to pursue to start my degree. When I had been faced with difficult situations a strategy I used to find a solution is to be more proactive and leave procrastination behind. A way I will create an academic habit for myself is still work on my procrastination and be more on top of what I really wanna pursue.

  17. Raheem

    A life experience that has prepared me for college is my time in high school because it taught me a skill set that would help me not only in high school and college but also in life in general. When faced with a difficult situation, I brainstorm ways to resolve it. I would pick the solution that is the most productive and effective. I will create positive academic habits for myself by prioritizing time management, and effectively spacing my time to complete all my assignments and study as well.

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